So my job is hard and certainly isn’t for everyone, but all the staff have felt underpaid for years now and nothing seems to change. We’re severely understaffed as both new, and established staff are jumping ship for better paid jobs.

My situation is that I’ve been in this company for a good number of years, I’m comfortable here in that I know what I’m doing, and I really like the team that I’ve got, but with the rising cost of living my wage really isn’t cutting it. The thought of a new job and starting over again gives me a bit of anxiety as I’m not sure if I’ll enjoy it and could end up working a job that I don’t like, what would you do?

  1. Apply for similar jobs elsewhere with higher pay and then go back to your company and tell them you can get x elsewhere, not the most ethical but you’ll find out quite quickly how much they value you as an employee.

  2. Research unions that exist in your field, join one and ask for advice.

    Speak with your manager, either alone or as a collective and explain how long you have worked there, how much your pay has increased in that time compared to living cost increase. Speak with data to back you up, not from gut feel or emotion.

    Review similar jobs in your industry, and as much as it may scare you, apply for some of the higher paying ones. If your manager questions it, be honest, you enjoy being there but you feel you would be financially better off elsewhere.

  3. Bit odd everyone is suggesting you jump ship given you enjoy it there, but such is reddit. For the record, that _is_ how you get the highest raise though.

    Considering everyone is leaving, I recommend “hey, boss, this is the market rate, can I have a raise?”

  4. Move job, and also take some therapy to learn to ask for pay rise, is something pretty common people don’t know how to deal with this situations.

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