Me and her are 18 and 19 both female. I always thought of myself as straight and never thought I’d ever get sexual with a girl. Well it happened last night, I visited my friends apartment for dinner and we both got a bit tipsy. We started kissing and groping each other before undressing and having sex. We were both virgins before this and neither of us thought we into girls. It was enjoyable and I don’t regret it too much but I’m completely lost as far as figuring out my sexuality now and whether or not I want to continue with her. What’s the best way to approach this situation

  1. You can be sexually attracted to girls, and not romantically. Or maybe you just never knew you were into girls because you never explored it sexually is confusing all around

  2. It’s safe to assume that you are very likely into girls. So either lesbian or bisexual. There’s a possibility it was a one time thing, but it’s unlikely

    Now whether you continue with her or not it’s up to your romantic feelings and the possibility to put a strain on the friendship. You’ll decide together what you want to be and how to approach this.

  3. Don’t feel pressure to put a label on what you are. If you enjoyed being sexual with your friend who happens to be a girl, so be it. Asking yourself “what does this mean!?” forces you to spin all sorts of narratives about the significance of the encounter.

  4. Aww, I love it when people find out about themselves. You my dear, are likely bisexual. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re not broken. Enjoy your youth and take this time to further explore this side of your sexuality. Try fooling around with guys and see how it sits. If you prefer girls, then that’s ok too.

  5. Sexuality is fluid, you don’t need to label yourself or think of yourself any differently. Other people may label you as gay or bisexual, but that is irrelevant.

  6. You can literally just live your life and do what you want to do. You don’t have to label yourself or accept any label someone tries to put on you if you don’t want to.

  7. Well. Why put a label on it when you’re not sure? You don’t have to decide what you wanna call yourself.

  8. If I liked it, I would do it again. Don’t worry about what it means, that will become more clear on its own.

  9. Do your best not to define yourself. Just be. Just love. Just taste and experience and communicate. Do you want to see her again in a romantic way? Does she want to see you again in a romantic way? Those are really the only two questions to ask

  10. Sounds like youre bi. If you were gay you would have had SOME idea before you were 18

  11. Maybe your bi, maybe you’re not ! Just see how your other experiences go and don’t force anything, good things will be discovered with time 🙂

  12. From everything you’ve said here and in the comments you’re definitely queer. In what exact ways? You’ll figure that out over time.

    You’re definitely into women sexually.

    How do you feel about your friend now? Any romantic feelings to go with the sexual attraction?

    Anyway, I would go and post in r/lgbt to hear from people how they figured out their sexuality. Maybe later r/bisexual or r/actuallesbians

  13. No need figure out your sexuality. Go with whoever you find attractive 🙂

  14. If you guys are moving in a romantic (to whatever degree) direction then communicate that you aren’t sure about your sexuality and that you’d like some time to figure it out. If it was just a one night thing then you can leave it and move through this yourself. It’s just important tnat you guys are on the same page.
    If you do decide you’re into girls there’s not better time girl!! Welcome to pride month!

  15. Don’t worry about labels! Just spend time with yourself. Maybe just tell her you don’t regret it but you need to sort out your feelings before you see her again. Then just do that! If you wanna keep going, still ignore labels and ask her if she’d like to. If not, tell her you’d rather not.

    I promise that no matter how complicated it may get, the path forward right now is that simple.

  16. It’s Pride month just be gay for the month of June and see how it goes.

  17. At your ages just about anything can be sexy. Keep it respectful, keep the communication open and let it just be what it is. There’s no need to slap a label on yourselves.

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