Freshly 27 and I feel like my youth has been a waste. My last (and only girlfriend) broke up with me last December and nothing has happened for me since. I’ve been trying to get out more but so far 2022 has been a waste. It feels impossible to meet anyone, online dating is a fucking scam, and what’s killing me more is I don’t have any friends to go out with either. Being a loner sucks. I just want to stop breathing.

  1. STOP!!!!!

    Why can’t you carry a bit of positive vibe? You can make friends and have a good life but you need to work on you and search for what you want

  2. It’ll be ok
    Keep driving forward, life always throws bumps in your way, drive over them and continue on your jouney

  3. If that makes you feel any better, I’ve never had a girlfriend and have been rejected a few times (:

    If you feel like you have nothing to loose, then that’s kind of your strength at this point. Go out and meet people without worrying about how people think about you. What are the odds of seeing them again ever? Almost zero.

    Expose yourself and experiment.

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