I am a 18 year old male and the girl I’m talking to is also
18 years old. There’s this girl I’ve been talking to for a month now and she calls me cute makes some dirty jokes here and there and tells me I’m attractive. She also tells
me I’m her type and is very bold with me. She stares at me randomly when we aren’t talking and turns red around me. But she talks to me about other guys which pisses
me off andmakes me think she actually doesn’t like me and only sees me as a friend. What should I do?

TL;DR I’m interested in this girl I’m not sure if she only views me as a friend tho

  1. The only thing you can do is ask her and accept whatever answer is given. It seems to me like she is giving you some pretty big signals. She may be telling you about other guys to gauge your reaction and try and see how you feel about her.

  2. I think she’s interested. She might just be talking about other guys to make you jealous, I’ve done it in the past. Just tell her it makes you uncomfortable when she talks about other guys and go from there.

  3. Shoot your shot! ‘Hey, I think you’re really awesome, wanna get dinner sometime with me? If she says yes – woohoo! If she says no, you shrug it off and say ‘All good, just wanted to let you know how I felt. So hows that sports gameteam?’ and you move on and never mention it again.

    Be brave. Be confident. Communicate. Listen. Accept. You got this!

  4. She literally told you you’re her type. She’s flirting with you. She’s talking about other guys to see how you react i.e. if you’re interested in her too.

    It’s your cue to make a move now.

  5. Some people play games. Go cold on her and make her chase you. Find out where she stands. You’ll find another one and you don’t want to waste your time on this one anyway.

  6. honestly wish I could give valid advice but all I’d say is be honest with her and tell her you like her. I’ve straight up asked if a girl had wanted to go on a date with me and after said date she said she never saw me like that, but then I’ve also had a girl start grabbing my wiener and not get the hint. Godspeed.

  7. Gonna sound like a hypocrite but ask her out. If says no then… Fuck it, we ball

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