I’m not sure if I just want to let this out or if I need any sort of advice, but I really need to talk about it somewhere because I have no courage to disclose this to any of my close friends.

I met this guy and we had sex the same night. After that we’ve been spending A LOT of time together, he stayed the entire weekend in my apartment and I honestly kinda enjoy it, even though he seems really innocent, immature and out of touch. We have some fun conversations but most of the time it’s just me facepalming to his childish behavior and the silly things he says or does. Our personalities are very different, but spending time with him somehow is still nice. We spent the entire weekend together, we held hands while walking down the streets, he kisses me randomly… it’s like we’re a couple, but we’re not.

But when we’re in bed… gosh… it’s pure bliss. The sex is literally the best sex I’ve ever had. The way he touches me drives me insane, it’s like his touch is electric. His body is so beautiful, his hair is so silky, his kiss is so gentle. It just feels like we’re making very very sweet love instead of just having sex. We could spend all night doing it and not get tired. We look into each other’s eyes and hold our hands while making love. It’s so magical. I’m so attracted to him sometimes even I can’t believe it. I feel like I can be completely myself in such a private moment with someone I met so recently. Being in bed with him is like being in heaven.

I’m so torn. I could never have a serious relationship with someone like him. We’re not very compatible and sometimes he makes me roll my eyes. But being intimate with him is like floating through space. I don’t know if I should keep on doing this. Our nights together are kinda starting to get into my head and now I have a crush on him. Even though he’s the complete opposite of what I like, I am still so caught up on him. I am so so so attracted to him. This situation is so silly.

  1. Idk girl I’ve just fallen for the way you have described your sex experience with him 🔥

  2. I would re-prioritize my life if I where you.

    You should see if he’s that into you as well. Love sometimes happens when you least expect it!

  3. > I could never have a serious relationship with someone like him.

    Why do you thing such is the case?

  4. Make sure he is okay just with sex and have fun! No need to enter serious relationship.

  5. Uhhh yeah idk about that. I mean just re-read how you describe him like completely ignoring the sex THEN add the rather fire description of the sexual connectivity back in and I’d say the word “never” is unlikely.

  6. I have had very strong compatability with someone I though I wouldn’t, life is strange and sometimes we meet the strange people ment for us.

  7. It doesn’t have to lead to anything other than that you are enjoying each other. Just slow your roll and live in the moment. Be kind and don’t get pregnant!!!

  8. How long have you been seeing him? Just give it a moment and maybe youll find yourself liking him more. In this situation i wouldnt over think, just enjoy your time and see what happens

  9. > or if I need any sort of advice

    If you need advice: Enjoy it while you can. Best advice I can give you.

    {old fart}

  10. Well… seems like you’re describing a great guy. Bit silly, bit weird, bit childish at times, but a great guy all the same.

    Here’s what I get from your description. You really like this guy, and I’m not just talking about the sex. You like his quirks, you like spending time with him, I’m guessing he makes you laugh based on what you’ve written, and the sex is a massive bonus. Could it be that you might be preventing yourselves from a serious relationship with him due to your reservations about his silliness? Because I really don’t see why you think a serious relationship with him is impossible. You seem to like spending time with him a ton?

  11. Reverse the situation to help you consider what to do. Any guy that said that about a girl would be considered an ass for not telling her he’s just wanting sex and doesn’t really like her.

  12. No matter who you meet, they are definitely going to have quirks and “flaws” in your eyes. Looking for compatibility with people based on your judgment alone of some innocent traits is a dangerous trait. Half of a relationship is just figuring out how to be compatible with each other. That being said a relationship on sex alone is also probably not a good idea. Sex gets old fast (well not that fast but still).

    I understand that you are not necessarily looking for advice but I thought I should just say this.

  13. On one hand, attraction and compatability are 2 separate things. On the other, being opposites doesn’t mean incompatibility. It sounds highly likely the chemistry is there?

    My advice is go with the flow and keep an open mind. However, one thing that needs to be considered with all the “enjoy the moment” commenters is that you need to have a convo early on establishing expectations. Maybe along the lines of exploring a casual dating or fwb type situations but you can tell him you’re open to a relationship coming out of it. Early communication avoids later hurt down the road.

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