I am in a very committed, and monogamous, relationship which is amazing and I don’t want anything to change. However, I occasionally find myself fantasizing about some of my close female friends. I would never act on any of these fantasies or whatever you want to call them. Is that normal? Does anyone else find themself in a committed monogamous relationship doing the same? And if yes how do you deal with these thoughts?

Edit – spelling

  1. If you’re not doing it in the real world it’s fantasy. It hurts no one and it’s not real.

    You are free to do anything you want in your own mind. Anything at all. You can kill torture and murder the boss you hate, win the lottery, sail the seven seas and fuck every single beautiful woman you ever met.

    Your mind is the greatest gift you will ever receive, it’s yours to use however you want.

  2. I don’t fantasize about female friends, but I would say it’s pretty normal to do so, most men have such fantasies. The line is where you act on it.

  3. Don’t blurt out your fantasies in front of anyone in your sleep , wakefulness , drunken stupor or any other condition. This is the only line.

  4. Fuck knows anymore. Got a lot of people deciding to carve open my skull and shitting in it lately. Fuck

  5. It’s normal, we’re men we have thoughts and urges. Just don’t act on them.

  6. The line is clear: acting on it or not.

    It’s normal to think about it, and it can actually be quite healthy to entertain it, because it makes it easier to put on a mental shelf afterwards.

    If over time it’s not enough, then you need to rethink your priorities.

    But burying deep down it is not a solution.

    My wife and I discuss this things openly quite often and it’s fine. It’s not a kink either, but it’s almost enjoyable.

  7. I think fantasies are fine, but don’t act on it. Most likely don’t let people know.

  8. This is perfectly normal if you have attractive female friends. As long as you’re not acting on the thoughts, there’s nothing wrong with fantasies.

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