In 1968 a company launched their ice cream truck that sold ice cream in “bulk”, not the kind with a guy standing inside the truck selling different flavours in a cone but 12 ice creams in a carton that you immediately put in the freezer. They have had the same [song]( since.

[ice cream truck](

  1. I don’t think I have ever seen an ice cream truck in real life. I thought it was only an American thing.

  2. It’s always a song that you’ve definitely heard but don’t know the name of. Some upbeat Beethoven or Mozart or so, and no two ice cream vans have the same song.

  3. Pretty sure our local one plays yankee doodle, but I think it can vary depending on the particular van.

  4. They’re all different, the one in the village I grew up in played Teddy Bear’s Picnic.

  5. There’s 2 ice cream vans that go round my village, one plays pop goes the weasel and I don’t know what the other one plays.

  6. We have some in Palermo,though they are not exactly like the vans you see in the UK (or in the movies).

    Its just a guy driving an ‘ape’.Like a light and small truck.In the back he has metal containers with ice cream in.He parks up and sells cones for a bit,and then moves somewhere else.

    They don’t play any tune though.They just arrive,and then go! The driver might shout ”ice cream”…

  7. The ice cream van that came to the street where i grew up didn’t play music but only had a loud-ass bell.

  8. Jingle Bells – of all the songs in the World the ice-cream-truck plays Jingle Bells through all of Summer (France)

  9. In Newcastle it’s been common to hear ice cream vans playing the theme tune to ‘Match of the Day’ which is the BBC’s Football show for showing either Premier League highlights or FA Cup live games or highlights.

    [the ice cream van sounds exactly like this (but this isn’t where I live)](

  10. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one here. Or maybe at a festival but they don’t have a tune if it was indeed an icecream truck.

  11. We had family frost in more rural areas they sold ice cream and frozen fish/meat. Nowadays it’s easy even in rural areas to get to a big supermarket so there is no need for them anymore.

  12. When the ice-cream truck arrives to a village it just beeps. Everybody in the village recognizes it no need of tunes or songs.

  13. Musically, that Hemglass tune is so annoying. You just can’t seem to grasp the rhythm of it whatsover, until you realize that the beat starts on the *second* note. But there’s nothing to accentuate that at all, so you just know it intellectually. You can’t feel it.

  14. They are just chimes. I’m rather partial to whipped ice cream. No flake or bits on top though.

    I adore ice cream.

    The finest ice cream I’ve had was in Hungary. Its magnificent.

  15. We don’t have trucks, there are some of [these vehikels]( in bike- and pedestrian-only areas which have a bell they are ringing, or bike-operated ones [like this](

    Edit: In residental areas of Vienna there are several brick-and-mortar ice creme shops within walking distance, so there is no need for extra ice cream trucks.

  16. In my neighbourhood there are three different ice cream truck (companies) with three different songs. I don’t know if the tunes have any names, but they’re all obnoxious. Especially the one we buy from haha.

  17. They are usually stationary at the beach but obviously move between beaches I think there used to be trucks that went around back in the day but it was just a choc ice or flake 99 nothing fancy

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