If you are someone who work a lot and have tons of projects, feel free to share how your social life look like. I am curious. 🙂

  1. This was hard for me when I was first on my own until I was in my mid-20’s. I felt like there was something wrong with me socially. The truth was that I had to work long hours at low wages to scrape by.

    It got better once I built my skill set and qualified for jobs that pay more and have more steady hours. Now that I’m making an almost middle class wage I’m a lot more picky about how I spend my time. I still swing a 9 hour bartending shift about once/month, I keep busy with my boyfriend’s kids (or the other way around), and I have lots of projects. Probably every 3 months I go through a selling/decluttering spree. My schedule is pretty packed to the brim.

    The way I keep time for hobbies and friends is building small bits into my daily routine. This year I shifted from a night owl to an early bird. I wake up at 5:30 even though I don’t leave the house until 6:40-7:40 (depending on kids). Minimum 30 minutes is doing something I enjoy. Gardening, playing with the dog, tidying up to save time later, watching the news. During my lunch break I ALWAYS find time for something I enjoy. Going to the gym, on a drive, on a walk, reading a book. Then just about every evening I call family and friends. I find that by talking to them more frequently for short stints it’s easier to find those little gaps in our schedules that line up.

  2. I want to be one of those people very bad! I don’t know how to make friends so I just want to work literally all the time, but unfortunately I don’t know how to find decent work since I don’t know anyone where I moved to. I’m too awkward/nervous to get hired off the street.

  3. This describes me in a big way. I have always worked in consulting and have dedicated myself to it completely. That being said, I am now edging up against my 30’s and starting to reevaluate that decision and am trying to step away from my job and focus more on building the social life that I never had

  4. I work a standard 40 hours as a designer, but I invest the rest of my time in my hobbies, which are all creative based independent projects. I bounce between drawing, writing, modelling, woodworking… I never have enough time for everything I want to do… And that’s not really including any socializing. I share my projects with online friends and get together with my life long school friends when they’re available. I’d like to get into some relationships with people like me who love to create, but I find it hard to find people on that wavelength. Not sure if I haven’t looked hard enough or tried to get outside my comfort zone. All in all, not enough time for everything and I like my hobbies maybe too much 🙂

  5. I work about 14-16 hours a day m-f
    Friday night I try to start all my laundry and grocery shopping. Saturday is for cleaning and cooking. Saturday Afternoon try to get together with friends for a bite to eat and a drink and Sunday I catch up on sleep😅 not to much of a social life and super stuck in routine.

  6. Yes, but that’s why you need to have a work life balance. You should be genuinely busy in your life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while interacting with other people on the side. You pursue people, but chase excellence.

  7. i’m a college junior. actually it has worked out pretty well for me, i hang out with people every single day in university so, by the time the weekend comes, all i want to do is sleep. used to beat myself up about it (still do to an extent), but, that is the only way for me to recharge my social battery

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