Did you guys know that IRS will still tax you even if you live in a post apocalyptic USA?

  1. They can have my irradiated bottlecaps when they pull them from my cold dead hands.

  2. The IRS would climb out of a nuclear waste land for your taxes. There is a reason the Joker doesn’t fuck with the IRS.

  3. I suppose my level of surprise would equate to the level of apocalypse.

    Like if its a “The Walking Dead” or “The Book of Eli” type apocalypse I’d be surprised.

    If it’s the “Hunger Games” or “Handmaids Tale” type apocalypse.. not surprised at all.

  4. I won’t have use for money anyway on account of there will be nothing to spend it on. Also I will be dead.

    Edit: Deleted “probably” from in front of “dead.” Who am I kidding? I’m not cut out for nuclear winter.

  5. I doubt I would have much money at that stage anyway, and the people I know would most definitely outgun them, so I’m not sure how they would ever collect anything.

    Shit, I know people now who are a property tax bump away from going postal, I can’t imagine what they would do if the government tried to collect property taxes after a damn apocalypse. Those fuckers would probably be rigging up IEDs and setting up bamboo spike traps to take out the tax man in that scenario.

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