I’ve(27) been dating my boyfriend(26) for 5 years now. The first 2 years were great and felt like my dream relationship. 3rd year was really rough, I caught him cheating but I decided to stay and work it out. It did not go back to how it was but I felt like we made progress. My BF got an overnight job in November 2021, I still had some trust issues so he told me that he would start sharing his location for a month or 2 just to give a peace of mind. He would communicate and show me that he’s trying so I really began to trust him.

Sometime late December around 11pm I was going to text him goodnight like I usually do and it showed that he stopped sharing his location. I called and texted and both were going through at first but then it stopped as if his phone was turned off. I drove to his job and he was not there. At around 3 am he shows up to my place and tells me that his phone was stolen at work and he had left to go track it on find my iPhone with a co-worker. We talked and I believed him. He ended up getting a brand new phone and phone number. (This time no location sharing). He kept talking about how upset he was losing his phone. I would ask periodically if his job ever found the phone and he always said no.

Fast forward to today, I went to go grab my bag from his car and the old phone, (the one he said was stolen) was in his back seat. I took the phone and didn’t say anything. I currently have it but haven’t gone through it. It’s clear that he still uses it because it’s fully charged he still gets notifications on it. Idk if I should confront him about it or just let him come to me when he realizes. I know he will probably lie and I just have a strong feeling he’s cheating again.

TLDR: Me(27) and BF(25) have been working on relationship after he cheated. Got to a good place and I feel like his is again. Told me his phone got stolen in December, but I found the phone in his car today. What do I do?

  1. That’s awfully suspicious. The first give away that he never actually lost the first phone was that he got a new number with the new phone.

    Snooping in someone’s phone is pretty much always wrong, but in this case, I’d probably do it anyhow, find his side piece, and as long as she didn’t already know she was a part of cheating, confront him together.

  2. You have more than enough evidence to prove hie’s lying and that phone’s contents will just prove He’s also cheating.

    Show up with the phone and say “we’re done.”

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