I’ll start with a classic.

Eagles – Hotel California

  1. If I know the words and I don’t think anyone else will hear me, I’m singing the song no matter what it is. In my car to/from work I’ll go from a Disney cartoon song to heavy metal to country to pop to alt rock, etc. doesn’t matter. If I know the some of the lyrics I’m singing it.

  2. Separate Ways by Journey

    I mean, I’ll sing along to any song that is remotely catchy, but that’s a good one

  3. Peter Gabriel – In your Eyes, and Mercy Street. So amazing – whats odd is that when my mother passed and we looked through her music – she had the album – So….never knew I had converted her.

  4. If in my car, pretty much all of them, lol. But Hotel California is up there for songs I will at least sing quietly anywhere.

  5. I hate hotel California with a passion. It gets turned off immediately or thumbed down.

    Have to sing along no matter what, and I hate myself for it.

  6. Everclear – Santa Monica. Any of their songs from “So Much for the Afterglow” album.

    Tool – Sober.

    Forget it. Any good rock song from the 90s

  7. The Partridge Family … “I Think I Love You” and I play it over and over and over and over …

  8. I know it’s not the question but every time they say “hey” in Holiday by Green Day, I raise my hands in the air. And if I’m driving, I just raise both my index fingers off the wheel. Almost 20 years and it never fails.

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