For background, I’ve known my best friend since highschool. We did everything together, we were besties. I moved across the country a few years ago so we saw eachother once in the span of maybe 3 years. I moved to the same area (5 hrs away rather than a 4 day drive away) so we are much closer now. I live with my boyfriend. Ever since she has dated her current boyfriend, she’s been weird. We’re turning 25 this year.

When I moved here, I was excited for her to come visit, I invited her to come visit and stay at my house. Well, she said “it’s your house, it’s your bf’s.” Big whoop, nobody says come visit at my landlords house? I assume she was jealous or something. Why make a big deal that I said my house? I live there. Yes, I’m aware that it is legally my boyfriends. Why not just be happy for us? This hurt me because everyone else was supportive except for my supposed best friend.

Fast forward, I’ve made 3 trips now (5 hr drive one way) to go and visit her where she lives. The last one, I told her she could come visit. I live one hour past the main city. She says it’s an extra 2 hours for a trip if she were to go to the city, so therefore it’s too far. Well, I’ve decided I’m not making another trip out there then. I’ve just driven 10 hours round trip and you won’t do the same for me because it’s too far?

One time I was going to make a trip and cancelled because I just didn’t feel it was worth it. She suggested I go visit her at her boyfriends, 4 hrs away. I said no, why would I drive 4 hrs when I just cancelled the 5 hr drive. She said because it’s more convenient for her and that her time is more valuable than mine because she’s studying and I’m not… so I must have the time to go visit her 4 hrs away. As if my time is less valuable because I’m not using it the same way you are? I then got upset and told her that was rude and inconsiderate. She then said she wanted to spend 1 on 1 time with her bf anyway and that she had to study. I said, then why even suggest that I come visit? Anyway, she ended up apologizing but wtf?

Anywho, I told her she is my only friend who has not expressed interest in coming to visit me. She then says “I have, you’ve just been too busy, or do you just not remember 🥸”

1. She suggested to come once and I cancelled because she pissed me off with the “not your house, it’s your bf’s house” thing

2. I am not too busy, I’m home every night and have invited her over many times.

3. “Or do you just not remember” this screams toxic to me. Anyone else?

Is this gaslighting? Or deflecting or something? Making it seem as if it’s my fault that she hasn’t come to visit when she says it’s too far to visit every time I invite her? Any insight is appreciated as I’m considering not having her over at all at this point.

TLDR: friend has not reciprocated effort in visiting, when confronted she suggested that she has tried to come over many times and that I must not remember, which is not the case at all. Am I being gaslighted or is she deflecting? Is this toxic?

1 comment
  1. try not to focus on the past, moving forward invite them and if they keep flaking out let them know how it makes you feel. there response will dictate your relationship moving forward.

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