So to put it simply, I have been playing with this group for a long time, which I have known many of them for a few years now, and we were all pretty close. Lately however, I have been feeling ignored, and not very respected.I often make jokes to try to get the others to laugh, but they just never seem to land, either I am ignored, they sigh, or one even tells me to “just shut up.”I mentioned to one of them that when they say to me things like “just shut up,” even if it is meant to be “a joke” it still hurts, all I got in response was, “my bad.”Like I feel like I already know the answer just based off that, but the thing is like I said, I’ve known them for a few years, so I don’t want to let go of all of that, but if I don’t feel appreciated or respected, what is the point of sticking around? The relationship has also had some very bumpy roads, which has definitely soured the relationship I think.Honestly I just need to know if leaving is the right choice, or whether I should try talking to them. Unfortunately in the past when I did do that, they would go quiet, often trying to avoid the confrontation…

1 comment
  1. Instead of leaving, try finding some new friends first (whether online or IRL). Find ways to meet new people and fill your time with them, especially if they’re people who treat you better. At some point, you will not need these old “friends” anymore and it will be easier to distance yourself.

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