If you read my last post, you will know of the events that took place. I ended up asking the best friend to block me on all social media plus my number because I know if I did it, I would unblock him less than a week later. At first, he was completely against the idea and shit got to the point that he admitted one of the reasons he was adamant about keeping me in his life was because of the compliments I give him. That’s great for him, considering that all he has done is well… made me more insecure than I have ever been. He also insisted subtly that it was crazy of me to think that we were in the same league and I ever stood a chance with him. Well, in all honesty, I went with what people around us told me and it was always that I was more physically attractive than he was so I assumed he saw it that way too. After such words from him, I basically told him that at least for the next month, he needed to block me entirely and I need to completely get over him before I resume our friendship so that he is no longer able to misuse me. That hurt him enough and he finally did block me. It has been 3 days, but I kid you not, he is the only thing on my mind all day. I have hobbies, classes, a part-time job, and a family to spend time with but none of it is able to distract me from him. It is stressing me out and just in 3 days, I have had multiple breakdowns. I talked to my therapist and her only suggestion is “try new hobbies”. My day is full to the neck as is so I don’t think that is really going to work. Do any of you have any suggestions?

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