Trigger warning*

Soooo I know a girl, a person

The person met “their person” (a boy) over a decade ago. They instantly felt a connection. They broke up for no longer than about a month, maybe 3 times between 2011-2022. No cheating was involved (I don’t think….?).

They somehow became attached again. Obviously. They were meant for each other. Right?

The love grew, grew, and grew. The person did so much for her person. She loved him. Nurtured him. Adored him. Anything you can imagine, she did for him. She chose him – he was the ONE. She knew it. She would bet her life he was the one. Anyways…

They had arguments, they both said stuff they didn’t mean. What marriage/relationship doesn’t? The boy and girl were young, and had insecurities from their past, and used verbal abuse to attack each other. BOTH of them are at fault, period.

She surprised him with silly stuff over the years, like writing cute love letters and hiding them in his work bags, left little gifts here and there, made amazing dinners/lunches/breakfasts, telling him how much she appreciated who he is and what he does, and over a hundred other things. She viewed him as her safe. Sounds weird, doesn’t it? Viewed him as her safe? What the heck is this crazy person talking about? I’ll elaborate.

He was her home, her safety, her calm, her focus, her life, her light. Much more. Too much more.

They eventually had a child together, & moved in together. They were a known couple – to have been together for so long. Many knew them as high school sweethearts.

Let’s fast forward a little.

This girl noticed conversations were fading with the guy. She put it aside and went the extra miles to reassure (endless, exhausting miles). She deleted every social media app just to prove her love for him, just to escape any kind of insecurity that he’d bring up. She didn’t mind not having social media.

The guy decided she just wasn’t enough. Even though he had everything anyone could ever ask for, she wasn’t enough.

Why wasn’t she enough? How?

He ended up falling into the temptations of social media. He fell, and fell, and fell. A fairy tail life sounded better than the person who devoted her whole life to you, and daughter.

The man ended up getting caught. Caught up in lies, cheating, betrayal, and so much more.

The guy had secret relations, while sleeping with the woman and mother of his child, who is and was, more than enough. If it couldn’t get any worse, he had a tinder, and she was blindsided. He told another woman he was single, and more, in which is too painful to write going forward.

I’m her. I’m she. I’m the one who was left behind, and I’m still confused, seeking therapy, numbed out, & shocked. I know I was enough – I know what I’m worth. This kind of pain isn’t something I’d wish on anyone. Don’t waste time. Make it right before it’s too late. It isn’t worth it.

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