How do you start being productive and getting your life together?

  1. Set goals. I mean ones that are specific, challenging, but real. Like paying of X amount of your debt this year based on your estimated income rather than a vague one like “be more productive today.” Without goals, “being productive” and “getting your life together” are often lists of things that go in all sorts of directions, thus often leading to frustration and defeat.

  2. Start small and be specific. Let’s say your apartment is always a mess. Set aside 20mins every day to clean. But don’t just “clean”, have a list of exactly what you’re going to do. Monday – put away all the clutter and sort through that pile of stuff on the kitchen table. Tuesday – dust the entire apt and vacuum. Etc. You will be surprised and how much you can get done in less time than it takes to watch an episode of The Office.

    And you don’t have to do it all at once. Whatever it is that your struggling with, that makes you feel like you don’t have your life together, whether it’s 1 thing or 100 things, don’t try to “fix” them all at once. Start small and be specific.

  3. This is a very big question. It’s hard to answer in a nutshell.

    It is important for yourself to answer the question, “Why?”

    To do this, there is a certain algorithm of actions that leads to this question. I’ll tell you how I do it.

    Let’s assume that I have just begun to deal with this question.

    1) To write out 100 wishes.

    Everything that comes to mind. Cars, houses, travel, gadgets, clothes, cosmetics, art, and so on.

    !!! The main thing in this step, let your imagination run wild, don’t set yourself any limits. It doesn’t matter how much it costs, there can be several houses and everything can be unlimited. The criterion is one, you want it.

    2) Put a value on each wish.

    Don’t know how much it costs, Google, a phone call to a dealer, seller, and so on will help you.

    3) Look for specific metrics.

    Our brain is so built that it needs a clear reference point. In our case, it’s numbers.

    Add up all the numbers you got. This is how much you need to implement your current desires.

    But we can’t make them happen right away, and it’s not even a question of money. You can’t go on several trips at once, drive several cars at once, and so on. So we:

    Divide that number by 20 (if you’re over 30) and divide that number by 30 if you’re under 30. 20 and 30 are the number of years in which you will realize your desires. We get the amount you need to earn per year to realize your desires.

    Further, if you wish, you can divide the resulting amount by 12, this is the amount that you should earn per month.

    P.S. Now we have a clear support for the movement further, namely:

    4) Collect the structure of your income.

    – Work for hire

    – Project income (paid for the project)

    – Investment income (usually capital gains on investments)

    – Passive income (interest on investments, royalties, etc.)

    5) S.M.A.R.T. goal setting.

    Lots of literature and information on the internet on how to do it right. I think you can do it.

    P.S. Now you have a small base for your query.

    – You know what you want

    – You know how much money you need for all your desires in a year and a month.

    – You understand your point A (and point B)

    – You have set the correct goals for achieving your desires.

    Now all that’s left is the smallest and most difficult thing. Answer the question, “Why?”

    Why is everything that you have done important to you!!!

    Only by answering this question will you be able to wake up early in the morning (even if you slept for 3 hours), run to achieve your goals.

    I’ve written so much already. But I will tell you that there are 2 priorities at the beginning:

    1) Sports, priority by priority (we do this first thing in the morning).

    Gives us stress tolerance, immunity and energy

    2) Money, time priority (this is what we do most of the time during the day)

    Best wishes for you to get your life the way you want it!!!

  4. Declutter. I find that it is hard for me to focus on longer-term plans when I have too many smaller and more intrusive tasks in front of me. Finding ways to streamline routine work frees up time for more important thinking.

    Examples might be setting up online bill pay and a monthly income and expense tracker, cleaning out closets of emotionally weighty stuff, outsourcing laundry, meal planning, creating a place for important lists, bullet journaling and habit tracking.

    Also decluttering your emotional state by having tough conversations with yourself and others, getting therapy, letting go of expectations, meditating and practicing good nutrition and care of your body.

  5. You don’t start, you just flow into it. Human beings make their own brick walls in life.

  6. I think to start one much define productivity for themselves. What does “getting your life together” mean exactly?

    Personal finance, fitness, organizational skill, cooking for yourself all start with consistent, small changes that add to lasting results.

    I would start my defining what you want THEN creating a plan to move you forward. Happy living!

  7. That’s a fantastic question. Maybe I’ll stick around to get some pointers because I’m 28 and literally wake up daily sayin “what in the fuck…”

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