I’m in my early 20’s and am looking for some helpful tips. Mainly thinking health wise (mind, body etc.) but would love insight on any random thing.

  1. * wearing sunscreen daily
    * drinking water throughout the day
    * staying active (30 mins. a day)
    * proper sleep hygiene (bed time routine, getting enough sleep, etc.)

  2. I wish I left alcohol behind when I was in my 20s. My life is drastically different without it in ways I can’t even describe.

    Basically not falling down the bar/mimosa/wine mom alcoholic bullshit. I found that the friends I made weren’t my friends when I quit, and wasted a lot of time and battered my body.

    No, brunch is not awesome with bottomless mimosas. Sorry to break it to ya. You’re an alcoholic : )

  3. Saving money, even if it was just a little bit every week. No kidding, if I had started with just $5 a week, I would be retired now.

  4. Daily brain teasers and logic puzzles — I started at 30 and it’s a great way to get the mind revving in the morning.

  5. working out regularly, and save eough money so I could study various “small things” like languages, cooking, stitching and whatnot.

  6. More sunscreen, less weight gain. More me time, less men time. More sleep, less makeup.

  7. I started doing these when i was abt 27, wish i had started earlier.

    -Washing your face every evening and morning, followed with moisturizer (and other stuff if u like, like serums etc) and at the mornings, sunscreen. Make it a self care routine, don’t just slam things on your face, do it with care so it’s threapeutical.

    -Saying no to people when i felt like saying no, i was a major ppl pleaser and it got me in some very uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous situations.

    -Eating a carrot and an apple a day. Small and cheap thing but very good for your health.

    -Drinking about 2 liters of water a day. No juices etc, just clean water. I’m lucky because our tap water is very clean so i don’t have to buy it from a store.

    -Going for a walk at least 30min a day. Forests are the best places to walk.

    Making a new routine is sometimes hard but it really pays off in the long run.

  8. Brush and floss!!! Every day!!!! Teeth hurt when something goes wrong and if you’re in the US the bill will hurt your wallet.
    Save money, a little now goes a long way later, also any practice is good practice.
    Sun screen and finding and exercise that you will actually do.
    Take more pictures, even if it feels silly. I always wish I had more.

  9. Yessssss to daily SPF. I’m 40 and have been on top of it since my late teens and I now see a huge difference between my skin and that of my peers who neglected an SPF routine or regularly visited tanning beds. I typically use Neutrogena SPF 50 or greater, but anything is fine. Those specifically made for faces are better just because they’re not greasy.

    Stay on top of your credit. If you’re responsible, use a credit card with points/cash back rewards instead of a debit card. Pay it off as you charge things (either daily, weekly, or monthly.. whichever is easier). Never leave a balance on it. It builds your credit, you pay no interest, and you get the rewards. I pay everything with an Amazon card, for example. I usually end up with roughly $25/mo to spend on Amazon. Either that, or I can apply it to my card balance. You get free money and are also building credit that way. There are so many options, you can pick a card for what you need. (If you are bad at paying things on time though, I do not recommend this.)

    Eat healthy in a way that’s sustainable. Limit but don’t restrict. Keep up with exercise in a way thats also manageable. A 20-30 min routine 3x/wk is totally doable and will keep you active and healthier. It doesn’t need to be anything specific.

    Lastly, if you don’t know what direction you’re going in life, or decide you want to change it at some point, don’t feel discouraged. People make you feel like you should figure out your life’s direction by 18, be knee deep in it by 22, and be a successful human by 25. I went back to school at 30 and it all worked out. It’s never too late to change your mind.

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