So I have a really close friend who keeps saying sorry for interrupting after we chat,it annoys me because because fist I don’t like people who apologize all the time and second it makes the conversation too formal and I hate that… I told her several times about how I feel but she keeps doing it.

  1. You could make another attempt to communicate that you enjoy their company and that they do not need to apologize for existing, but that if they feel the need to address it they could express *appreciation* for your friendship and your time. Add to this a suggestion that your friend rephrase it from an apology to a note of appreciation, so instead of “sorry for bothering you” they could say “thank you for listening, I appreciate it”, or something like that.

  2. I’m a person who does this a lot but it’s simply because I’m informing the other person that I’m listening to what they said and they can continue.

    Her intentions seem innocent really. As mine would be if I did the same thing.

    I would just focus more on her intentions behind apologizing rather than focusing on how annoying it might be. She’s just attempting to be a good listener.

    When I say “intentions,” try to feel grateful that she is trying to be polite compared to if she cut you off and changed the subject.

  3. just be yourself, ignore that

    you cant change others, you can try but its not gonna work and its gonna make you feel bad

    You can say ‘hey dont worry about it you aint interrupting me’ once and then forget about it when it happens again, too

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