I (35f) have been with partner (49m) for a year. We met online, both have kids, we have now moved in together. With the age gap, his children are much older than mine. Generally, I’m a very sex positive and open person (how we met, related to kink). But the barely legal” is new to me (not to him) and surprising considering his own daughter is the “barely legal” age and he also follows/ mutual some of her friends (and son’s gf, younger) I don’t know what to think. He keeps trying to explain it away, which is worrisome. I have my own daughter who is young. He says it’s something he acquired/hung onto during his sexless marriage. But now several years have past, we are in our relationship. Any tips/opinions how to navigate welcome.

Tl:Dr: older couple, partner follows teen porn, not sure how to approach.

  1. What impact does this have on you? Is he trying to bring that genre of porn into the bedroom?

  2. It’s concerning. At the core though, you need need to decide if you can trust him to separate fantasy, from the real young women who exist in his life.

    There is no perfect solution here. Personally, I’d want my partner to hold their own porn use to a higher standard than this, but I’d also want to be in a relationship, generally, where I can trust my partner when they say they understand the difference between finding something acceptable in professionally, consensually produced porn and finding something acceptable to act on their own life.

  3. Girl. You know this is wrong or you wouldn’t be here. Why is an old ass 50 yr old following teenagers both of your kids’s ages? If the vibes are off..listen to your intuition. Why tf is he following his kids friends. WEIRDO. CREEP alert. I mean look at your age gap.

  4. I mean I’m a 30 year old ciswoman and porn content with the word teen in it is enjoyable to me but I have no desire to be with a teen myself it makes no sense but yea. Your situation is a bit different but why does this concern you?

  5. If the genre is (18+) then I don’t really see an issue here. I mean “Barely Legal” is still legal pornography. It’s considered (18+).

    Anything under that age is concerning, very concerning.

  6. >He says it’s something he acquired/hung onto during his sexless marriage.

    Red flag. So… he fantasized about seducing/being seduced by a barely legal babe and has held onto this fantasy through his 40s and nearly into his 50s?

    This isn’t someone I’d feel comfortable raising a young daughter with in the house.

  7. Porn categories really don’t mean much. There are girls that have been in the industry 10 years still shooting barely legal. There are women brand new shooting milf. It does not mean he’s looking at every girl around him as a sexual partner. You can fantasize using porn without it being something you actually want in real life.

    Can a guy watch secretary porn and not want to fuck his actual secretary. Yes. Same thing with doctor. Teacher, ETC.

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