Help What do you think? Been dating someone for a couple weeks. Coincidentally we ended up going on vacation around the same time, almost same states west. Before we met she had planned to see her best friend in Oklahoma, drove there from Wisconsin. I also had plans to visit one of my best friends in Nebraska. I didn’t drive I took the Amtrak. This girl really likes me and texts me every day . Fast forward To her second day of driving to Oklahoma, I last heard from her on Wednesday told me she was 4.5 hours into her ride. I texted back several hours later or so asked how the rest of her travel went. I haven’t heard from her. A) she knows I’m on vacation visiting friends out of state, probably doesn’t want to bother me. B) she knows I am aware she is on vacation many miles away spending time with her best friend, texting is probably last on her agenda C) maybe her phone didn’t get my last message (however she would have sent me something anyway despite seeing the message or not) D) could something have legitimately happened to her on the road. We just started dating and idk if this is a test to see if I’m too clingy/pushy on checking on her. I haven’t sent anymore texts since the one I sent her Wednesday. Do I send her a text relatively soon ? Or do I wait it out until this coming Thursday-Friday when she told me would be the days she is traveling back . Idk what to do. A lot of people telling me back off and she’ll message when she wants to/message her on her travel date back which is this coming Thursday . We are on great terms, hugged/kissed eachother goodbye Monday night when we saw eachother last. Am i worried too much about nothing or is it ok to care about her ?

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