All my life i was really struggling to make friends. I changed school a few weeks ago and have no idea how to get along with my classmates. No one tries to talk to me and some i think just ignore me when i try to talk to them. But there’s one person in the class that looks just as lonely as i am. He never talks to anyone and is always looking on the phone through the break. I already started dreaming about how we would become best friends but irl I’m too afraid to start a conversation with him. What if i come to him, ask what he likes and realize he doesn’t want to talk to me like the others? I’m just to afraid to break my pink glasses now. Any advice would be appreciated.
(sorry if there any mistakes I’m not an english speaker)

1 comment
  1. As hard as it is to do I would approach just sit next to them and say hi try to make small talk ask about their day or talk about whatever you guys are learning about. They might feel uncomfortable at first too but just keep the conversation going for a bit and see where it goes. The worst that happens is it doesnt lead to a friendship but you’ve learned that you can be bold and confinement when attempting to make a new friend and try again with someone else in your class. You’ve got this!!

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