What’s the worst thing someone could say to you on your first date?

  1. “Oh, my husband is watching the kids tonight”

    That’s so much nope packed into one sentence.

  2. “You remind me of the guy who molested me when I was 12.”

    Happened to me twice.

  3. Actions speak louder than words. I had a first date (we broke up after 18 months or so) where this random dude would not leave my girl alone. I found out from a friend of hers after the relationship was over that she had banged that dude in the bathroom.

  4. I’m so glad to finally be out of prison. Next time I kill someone I’ll put a lot more thought in to disposing the body.

  5. Asking what sign I am, or talking about God. I understand chill religious people, not these hardcore christians

  6. “Oh yeah, these are my kids: Breonna, 4, Mickeyelah, 5, Jackxson, 6, and Braydon, 7. Order whatever you want, kids!”

  7. “So my crazy ex might go through my phone records, find your number, and harass you but just ignore him.”

    *Say the fuck what now?!?*

    No lie she said that so nonchalantly like it was an everyday occurrence for everyone.

  8. I had someone lay out their timeline for a proposal, wedding, first child, second child on a first date. For this to happen, she needed to be engaged in 5 months and and pregnant in 10 months. It obviously didn’t work out.

    I was 23 and she was 22 at the time – no idea why there was such a rush.

  9. Why is your truck so dirty. Don’t you make enough money to washing regularly.

  10. Woman pretended to be interested in me by accepting the date but after we ordered she told me she only saw me as a friend and that’s it. So, as a friend i told the waiter that we need 2 checks. She got upset, and I left her at the restaurant stranded. 🤷

  11. They start pitching you MLM.

    For me personally: they start talking about astrology or healing crystals unironically.

  12. God says that we can’t drink alcohol or coffee so shall I get a jug of tap water?

  13. Ofc I’m a woman, but for me it was, “The Lord told me that we are meant to be together and get married.”
    …This literally happened to me and I immediately, kindly but firmly excused myself and left.😅

  14. “You’re the type of guy girls want to marry after they’ve had fun with all the bad boys.”

  15. “how much do you make”

    “how big is your house”

    “I’m married, just giving you a heads up”

    “I think I may have had sex with the waiter at some point, I can’t recall”

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