What are some things you do for your inner child?

  1. I play dress up, sing in the mirror, collect plushies, doodle. I even stared ice skating lessons because I loved it as a kid. I’m still that little kid I just pretend to be an adult in public LOL

  2. I’ve got wood flooring in my house, so powersliding around in socks is my modus operandi for getting between rooms if I’m home alone.

    Even spraining my wrist misjudging a slide hasn’t deterred me from the simple joy it brings!

  3. My inner child wants to color in every way possible using any media… quilting, home decorating, gardening, furniture refinishing, decorative painting, sewing, coloring books, and baking. On Tuesday, my inner child made a 4 tier cake for no reason.

  4. I’m in Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy right now, which is largely about connecting with your inner child, bonding with them and “re-parenting” them.

  5. I glide down the supermarket on the trolley if there’s an empty aisle. It’s a little thing but it’s a lot of fun and brings a bit of joy to the mundane task of food shopping.

  6. i allow myself to splurge on a cute version of whatever i need at the time (i try not to sacrifice function though, and its always so satisfying to find a cute thing that works just as well as the non-cute version)

    i watch cartoons and read childrens books (i have a collection of vhs tapes and vintage childrens books)

    i look on my future with the same positive energy as a child when they think “when i grow up, im gonna ___ !”

  7. Lay outside while it’s raining. It drove my parents crazy as a kid.

  8. There’s a playground on my way home from work

    I go and swing for a while, sometimes go down the slide >.>

  9. I’m doing all the things!

    I get to decide when it’s bedtime (don’t tell her how early that can be) I get to decide what to eat for dinner (again and again and…).

    More seriously, I’m trying to stay curious, no matter how much the general state of the world feeds my inner cynic without any effort, I actively look for new things that surprise me in a good way.

  10. My comfort place when I was a kid was eating chips and watching movies so I revert to that a lot lol

  11. Being silly with my 5 year old.
    Chew gum.
    Rewatch old favorites.
    Get massages to release tension and feel girly.
    Tell my inner girl that everything is ok and I’m going to take care of her now ☺️

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