The YouTube algorithm has decided I want to watch 5 minute clips of all the Sharpe shows (which I had never heard of before, although apparently my MIL liked the books), and dude could get it.

Bonus question: when you had a substitute teacher in history class, did they just put on an episode and sleep off their hangover?

  1. He was the sort of man my aunt would describe as ‘a nice bit of rough’

    Make of that what you will.

  2. Shorn Bourne was definitely my sisters’ favourite, and it’s been scientifically proven that he has the most manly jaw in all of Fulchester – jaws are measured medically now in Backpacker Units (Seen-beens).

    Conspiracy theorists like to point out that he has never been photographed in the same room as Alanis Morrisette, however.

  3. It’s 2022, I’m a married straight man and I’d consider a candle lit dinner with Major Sharpe!

  4. Lady Chatterley’s Lover, the 1993 BBC series. You’re welcome (if you’re in to Sean Bean being a bit of rough).

  5. Well over half of us, anyhow.

    I’d left school by then and the history teachers didn’t do hangovers. The science teachers gave us Moonlighting, 9 1/2 Weeks and Blue Lagoon while they nursed their hangovers.

    Until we were old enough to be told “here’s instructions for your practical lesson – I’ll be in my office if needed. You won’t be needing me.”

  6. Sharpe is still great today. Some great guest stars and recurring characters. You see Daniel Craig as a bratty lieutenant and never imagine he would go on to become Bond!

  7. Nope iirc my mum held a rather large torch for Craig Fairbrass back in the 90’s

  8. Look up Sean Bean in Derek Jarman’s Caravaggio (1986). He also makes out with both Nigel Terry and Tilda Swinton in the same movie.

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