So I’m a 21(m) and pretty introverted, and I have been on one date since high school. I havent had any luck on dating sites and my looks aren’t bad, I’m like a 6 or 7. So I’m just wondering where some people met their significant others or any advice you might have to get myself back in the dating game.

  1. So you’re trying to pick up chicks using the shy method, or do you wanna break out of that shell and do some approaching?

  2. Married my high school sweetheart and going through a divorce right now. I’ve had three good options thus far.

    One, dating apps. Advice, get good up-to-date pictures of yourself and be honest about who you are.

    Two, gather with people who share your hobbies. Play sports? Join a local community center team. Play D&D? Find a game at your local game store. Like to build shit? Take a class. Find like-minded people.

    Three, bars. It’s cheesy but it’s tried and true. Strike up conversation with strangers and if you hit it off, great. Buy a girl a drink, and if it just turns out they’re taken or not interested, that’s fine just take the L with a smile and move on with the night.

    Hell, you might make new friends at the very least. Just be yourself when you do these things, unless yourself is a creep or an asshole. You’re 21. You’ve got time. Just have some fun.

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