When was the last time you asked your spouse ” Can I do anything for you ? ” ?

  1. Not my spouse but my bf of nearly two years. He asks me often if I need him to do things for me. He is a thoughtful man.

  2. Yesterday. We ask each other variations on this question all the time. It’s just a standard thing that we check in about regularly.

    * How can I help?
    * Anything I can do for you?
    * How can I make your life better?
    * Is there anything you need?
    * What can I do to help?
    * Can I do anything for you?

  3. About 10 mins ago when asking if I can get him anything from the shops for when we cook together tomorrow night. We normally ask each other similar things most days

  4. Tuesday. We had a great heart to heart and touched base on what we need from each other to feel appreciated and loved

  5. Yesterday, I suppose. I always ask if I can get him anything or if he needs anything daily. It’s our normal.

  6. Yesterday. Honestly, it’s my go-to when he’s stressed out or upset and I’m not sure how to help.

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