Its common in the media to see men “love bomb”. But, men of Reddit has a woman ever “loved bomb”you? If so explain what happened 🙂

  1. Women do it way more than men in dating honestly. Women are known for emotions, not men.

    The media can say what bs it likes but it doesnt make it real.

  2. She pretended to like everything I liked, she told me frequently how attractive she thought I was, the sex was really intense, she wanted to meet all of my friends and go where I went….she really acted like the perfect girlfriend until I bought in.

    Once she started to see me take the bait and settle in, she hated everything I liked, she constantly told me I was fat, sex became a chore for her, and my friends were all “c**ts and burnouts” and I was forbidden to hang out with them under penalty of violence. It was a complete 180 from who she pretended to be at the beginning of the relationship

  3. Yeah… invited a girl over for my birthday one time. She was cool, no apparent red flags besides her wanting to control the music which I didn’t really care.

    Next day I get a insta Dm from her friend but it was her, saying she left her phone at my house and needs to come get it. Girl shows up with a fat ass cake for me… I was a little taken back by it… was like hmmmm…. She’s known me maybe less then one day and she got me this cake… weird but I like the attention.

    Girl would come over every night after that for months. I enjoyed it but man now that I know what love bombing is the girl just showered me with gifts, attention, trips, just everything very very soon… was super odd.

    Relationship was a fireball shit show after her infatuation ran out and her real character displayed itself


    What happened was she made herself seem like the exact person I’d want her to be so I’d like her. She’d go shooting and hunting with me, cut up deer, go to little country shows and what not. So I thought we were like a perfect match. Nope… she’s not like that at all… not one bit. Hated guns, hated hunting, hated practically everything I enjoyed, hated being outside… it just blew my mind because I was like… fuck dude the person I love doesn’t even exist…. So it kinda sucked

  4. This girl would text me nonstop and when i didn’t answer for 10 minutes she called me 5+ times in a row. Eventually i had enough and told her i just can’t keep doing this

  5. Yes. She was pretty emotional all throughout our relationship, save for the last few months. Nothing unusual about it tbh.

  6. Yeah! I had this girl that in the first week we met she gave me a super expensive gift. Like 200$ in my country cash (It’s really a lot) she told me the most beautiful things, the best dates possible and than became the most toxic and abusive girl ever

  7. She showed up with a waxed butthole after I separated. The marriage lasted another 5 years and then the abuse a devaluation kicked in. Oh and the sex, forget it. It became a tool for manipulation.

  8. My last girlfriend. She was super affectionate right from the start (which was new to me – usually it’s the other way around), she always tried to pay for things, dress in a way I like and so on.

  9. A few times. Anything men do, women also do. The particular one I remember was just suffocating me. We had been dating a full month and she just kept going on and on about how great I am and how this was going to be love and all the plans she wanted to make with me. I didn’t even know her middle name or last name by this point. She would also stare at me a lot. Like I’m trying to do something on the computer and she’s just sitting on the couch watching me. I ask if she wants me to put on Netflix or something and she says no and goes right back to staring.

    It’s weird because what she was doing in much smaller doses would have been okay. But the fact that she was already at a certain level when she didn’t even know me yet really turned me off. You should earn that adoration, not be given it so quickly.

  10. I had to Google this term.

    Sounds like the first 48 hours of every romance scam ever.

  11. She declared me her boyfriend on the first date and was super affectionate, and i was a desperate teenager so i went with it. Once i fell for her and she knew she had me, she turned abusive. Tried to isolate me from my friends and family, made up lies about them etc. The whole 9 yards..

  12. they just mirror you, start talking like you, they become interested in exactly the type of things that mold your personality – they love your music, you’re into festivals? let’s go to a festival! you like to cook – oh.. me too, let’s cook together, i just bought a new cookbook! they compliment you constantly. they just really really try to get you to like them, that’s all they care about. they will shape themselves to get your attention so you think they’re an absolute dream. even when you’re 100% aware what they’re doing it is still VERY EFFECTIVE because you’re flattered to think they like you so much they want to lovebomb you and get your attention. anyway… it doesn’t last. soon cracks start to show, you realise it was mostly an act and when they realise you have feelings for them they start to stop it and show their true personality hoping they’ve got you hooked and they don’t have to pretend anymore. and you realise the person you fell for never really existed…

    apparently it’s common in cluster-b personalities so bpd, npd, certain types of autism, those with ocd, etc.

  13. Yes, it was random. She texted me after 2 years. If you want the full story check my profile.

  14. Yes, though it wasn’t malicious. I was freshly out of a divorce, she had been dumped by her boyfriend. We were both lonely, hurt, and looking for someone to talk to. It became very clear that we got along, and we both showed each other a lot of attention and affection. I’m talking I would wake up to send her messages before she started work at 5:30 in the morning, we’d keep communicating until 10 or so at night. She was the first between the two of us to say she was developing feelings, and the first to say she loved me. I reciprocated, and everything was really nice for a while. Unfortunately, she had a lot of demons in her that simply would not let her be happy, and she just up and cut it off one day. When I responded, she blocked me from everything and had me banned from the subs that we both frequented. She was very much the poster child of “if you don’t treat your cuts, then you’ll end up bleeding all over people that had nothing to do with why you’re hurt”.

  15. Could someone explain to me what this lovebombing is like I’m five? See that word a lot here but don’t really understand.

  16. I haven’t a clue what this is and sounds like some silly sociology concept that assumes intent where one couldn’t actually know.

  17. Yes. Its exactly as described. Pretended to be very into me, planned a future, was emotionslly available talkative, understanding. An ideal S.O.

    Two weeks later it all poofed over night.

  18. I think that is just women by default. They are a lot more confortable with random shows of affection

  19. I reached out to an old classmate from high school when I was in a particularly vulnerable time in my life. We hung out a few times and she made jokes about me checking her out. I kinda was, so I told her if she wanted to fuck around, I was up for it. Once we had sex, she suddenly loved everything I did and thought everything I didn’t like was terrible and had a hatred stronger than mine. She started getting into anime, video games, and even went to EMT school after finding out I did, while also following my social media accounts super closely.

    At first I wasn’t up for a relationship because my breakup beforehand destroyed me so much, so her mask started slipping. She started saying how stupid things I liked were, how stupid I was, and wearing her anger with pride. I told her we wouldn’t have anything exclusive or romantic until she went to anger management. She went twice, said they made her feel bad, and went right back to criticizing me for not wanting a relationship, and being volatile in general. We tried dating other people while fucking each other, but I have reason to think she sabotaged my dates, no evidence though. She also tried separating me from friends, by saying they were just pretending to be nice to my face, but they thought I was a bad influence. I have paranoia, I bought it for a long time.

    The breaking point was when she said her mom and her mom’s boyfriend broke up, mom called her crying, so she went over (they live in walking distance) with a pistol in hand. I told her I was disappointed and she could’ve been arrested, she would’ve escalated the situation possibly getting people killed, and she just went “I’m done talking with you on this”. Then covid came along and it was like a free run away card. I went cold. Went on a date with another girl 2 months later, we just celebrated 2 years together earlier this week. But occasionally she’ll try to get me to work with her, she tried getting me to go to paramedic school with her and I said no. But I’m better without.

    Edit: Important note, a lot of times I tried to communicate issues (whether she blew up on me, made a scene in public, or if it was a bad day and I was calling her out for hating things she knew nothing about) she would tell me she was “just in a bad mood” or that was suicidal EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

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