Relationship vs Travel

I am a 20 y/o male. I have a remote sales job that pays 4-5k a month. I feel beyond blessed to have a job that allows location freedom especially at this age. I also have a girlfriend who I have been with for 4 years as of April. She has been my world since we have been together. We get along amazing and enjoy all the small things with each other. I also absolutely love her family and they have somewhat taken me in. That being said I have had an unshakable desire for absolute freedom as of late. I want to go abroad and experience the world. But my girlfriend can’t come. Should I risk losing such an amazing relationship? Should I risk the opportunity I have? I don’t know what to do :/

TL;DR : should I choose my girlfriend of 4 years or take the opportunity to travel/ live abroad?

  1. You are only twenty. Spread your wings and fly. If you don’t you will always regret it.

  2. Choose travel. If you don’t you’ll resent her for holding you back and it will tarnish the relationship anyway

  3. Two pieces of advice:

    1. You’ll be unlikely to be this “free” to travel ever again. If it is super important to you, it would be reasonable to choose travel over a teenage relationship. It might end up in the same place anyway if you choose to stay but have growing resentment due to not being able to travel.
    2. Be realistic with what this lifestyle would look like. Working remote is great, but shit gets real fast when timezones come into play. Since you’re in sales I imagine you have flexibility there, but map out what a typical week might look like in various locations. Include in that budget. 50-60k a year is great, but it honestly can’t take you that far around the world unless you’re willing to do the hostel, cheap eats type of thing (which is great! But make sure that’s what you’re envisioning vs posh hotels where it’ll be really easy to work remote, flights to everywhere, great restaurants, etc.)

  4. Take it from someone who married their high school sweetheart and then got divorced, go explore and find yourself! Your brain is still developing and you need to have new experiences to figure out what you actually want in life. People are completely different at 30 than they are at 16.

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