I’m shitty with money, can barely afford my half of bills, and use shopping as a coping mechanism. But I am so madly in love with her and i’m going to get my shit together once and for all.

But I think it might be too late. I’m not so sure she’s willing to stick around and let me prove myself to her.

Maybe that’s what I deserve.

I do know that I will be lost without her. I just can’t imagine myself being happy without her or being with anyone else. I have never laughed, smiled, or felt butterflies throughout an entire relationship until her. We hardly ever fight, love so many of the same things, and are constantly playful with one another. Pillow fights, tickling, joking around. We take care of one another when we are sick, miss one another when one is away, and look to one another for comfort even when it’s the other person who did it. She’s literally my best friend. Getting my shit together financially isn’t something I can fix right away, but it can get better in time if I start now. How do I prove to her right now that I am going to be better for us? I’m not so sure she is going to stick around. And I don’t want to know what it’s like without her.

  1. Have you told her all of that? That would be a good start 🙂

    Other than that, actions speak louder than words. Show her that you are changing. Involve her into your plans etc

    If you want to stop yourself from shopping you could set up an automatic money transfer to put a part of your money away every time you get your salary, so you can’t spend it.

  2. Actions and the formation of better habits, set small goals for yourself. Im assuming your money habits have been an ongoing issue in your relationship… You have the awareness of your own negative habits. I use Digit to help me pocket money away for different uses. No software can change your habits though, look for other ways to cope. Find something you enjoy, search out new experiences. If there’s a chance, do it with her

  3. maybe go with her and talk to a financial advisor it shows you are taking action

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