(25 Male) well, there it is. I didn’t choose this body I’m caged in forever. It has crippled me beyond reason. The truth is that in a world of ever increasing beauty standards, and increasing female independence, some people will be left out. I accept that I’m one of those. This is how it looks for the coming years, and I suspect anything will change. By no means am I asking everyone to be very nihilistic. This is just me.

I am ugly. I stopped reaching out, being on dating apps or trying dating irl. I even didn’t get the job I wanted because the industry is notorious for wanting handsome people. Still, I’m doing great career wise. Last year’s income was $400k, which is exceptional. I make my life enjoyable through working out, playing guitar, gaming, reading, traveling, and learning aerospace. It’s hard watching people with such incredible social life. I made the mistake of getting on twitter today, and first tweet I saw was someone randomly bullying ugly men. I’ve learned to accept my situation, though I’m not sure if it’s sustainable. Feel free to ask me anything lol

  1. The 400k seems like a humble brag…if you have the income you say you do, what’s wrong with spending money that will improve and enhance your features? Instead of giving up and accepting defeat? It’s your life tho.

  2. Many people have satisfying marriages from going to foreign countries and bringing home a wife. Your income allows you to do so.

  3. Are your own standards too high? There are plenty of woman who arent the most attractive and would probably love to be with someone who makes 400k, plays guitar, and has a healthy lifestyle

  4. Could you share a picture of yourself? I’m always curious about how people like this look like. Most of the time they aren’t even unatractive.

  5. Do you think the mismatch in dating is due to others being superficial or outward/visible insecurity? I too classify myself as ugly, but I’ve learned to not being saying so or something like that because it comes off as seeking/fishing for compliments, or honestly people seeing you as prey.


    Do you feel resentment? Is it towards women as a whole or just specifically pretty women – which I assume are skinny, pretty, white blondes?


    Do you feel as though your income should grant you access to said pretty women or just a woman in general? I’m personally low income ( less than 20K/year) so I really don’t know if money would shift my sense of reality/entitlement perhaps.

  6. You are probably deformed not just ugly. I see ugly men in relationships all the time and many of them even date attractive women. Below average men can also get interest on dating apps with good pictures and a good bio.

    Can you describe your issues in detail though? Do you have some kind of condition?

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