there’s this guy i like a lot who, after some reflection, makes me question just how much he likes me.

last week when we were hanging out, i noticed i would ask him a lot of personal questions pertaining to his life like what his sister is like, his parents, how many relationships he’s had, and even less personal ones like what his favorite animal is. but in between these questions there was always a lull where i expected him to give me a “what about you?” that never came.

i was reading about how you know a someone likes you a lot and one of the bullet points says they have a strong desire to get to know everything about you and will really try to keep the conversation going.

is it really that simple? or can it be the lack of social aptitude? he seems pretty socially cognizant in almost any other situation which is why this confuses me. he can keep the conversation going but he never seems to ask me any personal questions. i know his entire family’s dynamic and their relationships yet i don’t think he even knows how many siblings i have.

  1. Give it some time maybe the guy doesn’t know what to ask but keep in mind that any person that you are showing interest if they don’t reciprocate they are not really into it.

  2. >i was reading about how you know a someone likes you a lot and one of the bullet points says they have a strong desire to get to know everything about you and will really try to keep the conversation going.

    is it really that simple?

    If you’re talking about the early stages, that applies to super thirsty simps who typically run out of gas eventually. Sounds like you’re dealing with the regular thirsty simp who changes personality when it comes to dealing with someone he finds attractive.

  3. Not really. I didn’t realize I was doing this a lot because I would be nervous around folks I liked and didn’t know the right thing to say.

    Understand that attraction or not cannot be determined by actions in the absence of words. If you’re into someone you don’t always act a certain way. If you’re not into someone, same thing.

    First things first, he knows you like him right?

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