They are all very different from me. I kind of regret after joining this team. So it’s a sales team, and they tend to be of high energy and hyped up. But I’m totally not. Now I feel really out of place and like I’m not contributing to the team’s dynamic. (It’s independent sales, so the team lead gets a percent cut out of our deals, I’m not on payroll)

What should I do now? I’ve just came out of my own social isolation and went for therapy. It’s just so difficult trying to catch social cues and handle a new career. I feel so defeated rn.

  1. No, no, lady.;) Ur Not defeated. Is it an Introverts nightmare? lol well yes… but you’re not failing… this is just how change feels.

    If you are that conscious about your performance, you should consider telling them how u feel and ask them how would you be of good use for the team. Been there.

    This is for 2 reasons: first, so they can’t argue later that you did not care or said anything… two, because it will help you put at ease to have some guidance. A lot of ppl don’t understand what the struggle feels like. If you get treated badly, what do you lose? At least you figure out if you’re working on a healthy environment or if you need to job hunt.

    You said it yourself , ur straight out of Isolation and therapy. It’s going to take time for you to feel comfortable with yourself to open to the new environment. The beginning of that experience is a massive rush and overwhelming.

    In a few more weeks you’ll decipher what the dynamic will be …. you’ll see where u fit and then you’ll repost about sales driving you up the wall just like with anyone else that works with you.

  2. Whomever you’re, you’re the same person as me. Do tell me too if you get a benefitting reply 😀👍

  3. I’ve just returned from a Job interview with a CEO literally as I write this, and something coincidentally matches your issue. The CEO gave me an anecdote about his own growth and said his background was a machine engineer which are all introverted. His boss thought he explained his craft so well that he wanted him to drive their sales department because customers had a good reaction. The guy didn’t want that, and said he would only do it if he was given a chance of returning to his solitary seat if he hated it.

    But as it turned out, he really learned from experience while doing it, and now he’s running his own company. He also said that he experienced that his way of pitching worked on one group of customers and then the next one was totally rejectful towards it, and he had to learn how to read people better and stuff like that, so now he’s a good people-reader.

    I think for you the issue is to just not compare yourself as much to the team, but at the same time try to *read* them. Don’t feel sorry about not being exactly like them, but try to read them and talk along where you can. This guy I spoke with proves that an introvert can talk to customers and excell at it, so if you rather focus on running a good pitch to consumers than trying to please the team socially, you might end up getting higher self esteem about your *craft*, and then use that to get along better with your team.

    I think right now you’re defeated by a sense of shaky performance coupled with weak social skills. The social skills require confidence and not *only* know-how. A lot of us hesitate when we are insecure about whether we’re even good or not, but if you do your best and prove you can be *good*, then you will not be as shy about the fact that you are more low-key to your colleagues, and they will respect you regardless of it.

  4. Same here bruh. I was not intendedly to be a sales. I was aspired to be a HR Admin or Internal Audit.

    But 2020-2021 situation forced me to take this path: when I was a freshgraduate, pandemic happened.. so I took whatever job opportunities available back then.

    I aimed for government job next year.

  5. Look, you’re in sales. It’s about psychology. What do you do when it comes to a new prospect? (Answer: rapport) because you don’t feel like the others, doesn’t mean you don’t belong with them. So like a customer, you want to do the same thing with your other co workers. Not everyone you will have something in common. Also you being lower energy could be more of a benefit in sales, cause you’re not going come off as pushy, or cut throat.

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