I(16M) am very insecure about myself and I rarely go outside but whenever I go for a walk or to the grocery store by myself, I’ve always noticed people looking at me .
Note that I always groom myself or try to look as good as possible in public so that I don’t look like a weirdo but everytime I go out ,my mind keeps telling me that there is something wrong with me that’s why other people are glancing/looking at me.

Now at this rate I’m even scared to go outside ‘cuz I think that people will judge me no matter how hard I try to not appear as a weirdo.

PS:-Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. I’m not a native English speaker.

  1. Just remember your internal dialogue is much harsher on you than the outside world. Other people largely aren’t noticing whatever you are insecure about even though you are thinking about it constantly. You filter people looking at you through your insecurities, when really they are likely just looking at another person in the store.

  2. Maybe you’re actually rly good looking..That’s prolly more likely then them thinking you are “weird”.

  3. You honnestly need to experience what you are resisting more often. Try to babystep your relation with the other world 🙂 . You got this. You also gotta realize that people really don’t care about you. They are already in their own head.

    Don’t judge you 🙂 !

  4. Hey there, sometimes your body language can make you tense and this can show up. Have you ever considered medication to help with this anxiety?

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