I (23F) met a guy (24M) three weeks ago. Well in fact, we went to the same school but I had never really met him (he actually asked me out many years ago but I didn’t want to at that time). We texted for a month, and he confessed that I had always been his crush. I had never seen him as more than a friend, but I was curious to meet him, as I realized that we had many things in common. The first “date” he invited me to his restaurant (he’s a chef) and we talked for hours and ended up kissing. On the second date I suggested watching a movie at his place since I couldn’t at mine, and to be honest, I initially thought I just wanted something physical with him. That day we had sex and although it was very soon and I was aware of that, I actually enjoyed it. We’ve been out 6 times in total, and a couple of those dates have been normal “dates” that didn’t include sex. We have already talked about it, and he has told me that he likes me for something more than just physical and wants to keep going out with me.

So my question is, how long does a man take to realize he wants a relationship with a woman? I’m afraid he now just sees me as a hook up because I gave sex too soon.

Ps: he also mentioned that he has told his 2 male best friends about me, which is true because they are also my friends. We text 24/7, he sometimes double texts, asks how my day was, he’s also very chivalrous (pays for dates, drives me home, opens doors, etc.) I know those are good sings, but I may just be overthinking?

  1. He seems to be genuinely interested in you. If he thought of you as a booty call, he wouldn’t be putting efforts in paying for you, texting etc. I would say you’ve got a good thing going and he seems to genuinely enjoy your company. Don’t rush into a relationship, let things take their own time and I’m sure it’ll work out in the way you want it to 😉

  2. Why would he see you as a hookup if he wants something serious? It sounds like you just wanted a hookup if anything

  3. To answer the original question, very soon. Too soon. And after, it takes a couple of months to realize wether you were right or wrong to want something serious with that person.

    At least that’s how I function. I can’t help it. I am driven by my instantaneous instinct. Not that it’s a good thing

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