Men of Reddit, how do you like your coffee?

  1. Carbonated with zero sugar and flavored like grapefruit in can labeled Rockstar

  2. If I’m trying to actually wake up then straight black but if I’m just casually drinking a cup then I like cream/milk and sugar. Never iced. Idk why but iced coffee just doesn’t taste right to me. I’ll drink it but I ain’t gon enjoy it.

  3. I like a little coffee in my cream and sugar.

    In all seriousness, if it is jusf me drinking a cup to wake up, a little more cream and sugar. If im eating a pastry or donut, way less sugar and less cream

  4. Once told my son I like my coffee like I like my women. The intent was to follow up with “hot, blonde & strong”.

    Although he quickly responded with “bitter?”

    His mother, my wife was not amused. 😆

  5. Just enough cream to make the coffee not dark.

    1.5 or 2 teaspoons of sugar so it won’t be bitter.

  6. Black … although I’ve recently gotten into Vietnamese food and their coffee with the condensed milk is pretty slammin as a nice a treat every now and again.

  7. Start with a french press, then use filtered water, add two scoops of medium roast, one dark roast, then add 3 table spoons of honey, then healthy dash of cinnamon. Dont boil the water. Get it just before it boils and pour and stir the coffee and let sit for at least 4-5 minutes.

  8. I like my women how I like my coffee, without another man’s dick in it. Or I like my women how I like my coffee, ground up and in the freezer.

  9. The same way I like my women, with two tablespoons of hazelnut creamer in it.

  10. I mix a scoop of protein powder into whatever was most recently made at the office. You have to let the coffee cool down a bit to avoid clumping (or premix the protein with water/milk, but that basically just cools down the coffee anyway), but it flavors the coffee and adds protein. I usually go with chocolate varieties.

  11. Strong, super dark, full of flavor, with a tablespoon of real maple syrup that takes the acidic taste away- SO FANTASTICALLY GOOD!!

  12. Excellent coffee: black

    Average coffee: cream, no sugar

    Gas station coffee: light and sweet

  13. The same way I like my Don Cheadle:

    warm, black, and not particularly strong

  14. Drip coffee? I drink it black like a real man.

    Espresso? Venti White chocolate breve mocha xtra hot xtra sweet with whip cream and sprinkles.


  15. Black and iced. I like cream and sugar but I’m trying to not get fat anymore so I drink it black.

  16. Triple cream and triple sugar. But I will drink it black in a situation where I am trying to appear macho.

  17. Black. Throw two ice cubes in there so I don’t burn my mouth.

    I’ll take a latte, cappuccino, or straight up espresso every now and again.

  18. Black. Generally warm in the winter/fall, cool in the spring/summer. I abstained from coffee until literally 3 years ago, and I wanted to like coffee as coffee. Not a milk, sugar & bullshit cocktail.

    *also I’m a sociopath*


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