Is it true there are mandatory penis inspections in American schools???

  1. Well, yeah. How else are they going to make sure you’re circumcised?

  2. It’s true, at the airport too for all men no matter what passport they have. Men get a penis stamp in their passport from USA customs and immigration.

  3. Who told you that???

    Anyway I got some beach front property in Tennessee you might be interested in buying…

  4. Pretending that this exists and acting confused when other people call it insane is a long-standing American joke.

    To be clear, no it is not a real thing. You do need a physical exam for school and that does in some cases involve a doctor checking on your package, but that’s just standard medical practice.

  5. “Mandatory” in the sense that you can’t even enter the school unless the gym teacher inspects it and confirms proper hygiene and function? Yes.

  6. Yes this is when I was diagnosed with small cox, a very debilitating affliction

  7. From 8th thru 12th grade, but standing at attention is easy when you’re a teenager.

  8. (assuming this is serious) I’m really curious about where you got the impression that we had penis inspections, and what those supposed inspections consisted of.

    My school required students to have regular doctor’s visits, mostly to make sure the students were up to date on shots. The doctor’s visits usually included a cursory check over your full body, including genitals, but that’s being done by your doctor, at the doctor’s office, not at the school.

    I’ve also heard occasional tales of students with particularly prominent bulges getting patted down due to someone thinking they’re hiding some sort of contraband in their pants.

  9. Where the hell did you read that?

    Back in the day (we’re talking the 80s here) there were testicle inspections, but those were like once for about 5 seconds. Mostly just to make sure there wasn’t a medical problem that the doctors would need to keep an eye on.

    Even in the wild days of the 1980s even those testicle inspections were something you could chose to opt-out of, and even if you did agree it was like 5 seconds tops. Plenty of students just chose not to get them, and the school didn’t care much.

    I personally went through with it, because it was nice to have a doctor give me straight talk without my mom being in the next room. The doctor just gave my junk a quick look, told me that everything looks normal, and sent me on my way. For a kid you always kind of wonder if your junk is normal, so that little bit of honest evaluation was refreshing.

  10. No, that was just part of a South Park episode. But I am a girl, so…..

  11. So, the serious actual answer is “no”.

    This is a common joke that other classmates will print up fake “notices of the mandatory penis inspection”. OP probably saw a picture of one of these joke posters and was wondering if it was a serious thing.

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