How does a woman feel if she is busy in cooking or doing some other work and suddenly her husband came from behind and give her an unexpected kiss on her neck?

  1. I love that, I also love when I’m cleaning my husband starts cleaning without being asked lol

  2. Depends on the woman & how the relationship is in general, I’d say. But personally, I love it.

  3. My wife loves it, and she jokingly comments that I’m always at my most affectioante whenever she’s making something for me.

  4. I would love that from my wife, but my wife gets too focused to enjoy that it would only piss her off. Only if the task was simple and didn’t require too much attention.

  5. I love when my husband does that! It makes me feel loved, wanted, appreciated 🥰

  6. Sometimes my wife gets turned on by it, sometimes she is too busy and doesn’t really react to it. Then I usually try to help but end up in the way lol.

  7. Pretty sure my wife would hate that. She gets stressed out in the kitchen.

  8. Hopefully, I am not startled. I enjoy it very much. I usually turn around and give a full on lip lock. There are times he holds me tight so I cant turn around. He continues kissing my neck. I just melt.

  9. I absolutely love when my husband does things like this. Or when he just comes up and wraps his arms around me and tells me he loves me and how beautiful i am he makes me feel seen

  10. My spouse does this all the time and I love it but he waits for a good moment and not when I’m actively chopping things.

  11. I don’t get much interaction like that, so I would absolutely love it. I would think many women would love it if it included also helping with the work.

  12. After 39 years, I live for these moments. A small stroke, a tap on the ass, a light scratch on the back. Physical touch is so important. It tells me the attraction is still there, and the love is very much alive.

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