what does it mean when you take days and weeks of space after arguing with a friend?

  1. What does it mean usually?

    That both parties (if mature enough) are taking the time to cool down after a heated argument and can later come back and reconcile. If mature enough. But that’s not always the case. It takes 2 to tango.

    I had this happen with an older guy who I was really close with. We had a huge falling out and exchanged some pretty mean and harsh words. It was not ideal and I should have acted better on my end.

    But I thought 5 years of friendship would be strong enough to hold a conflict. So I tried to apologize but his ego couldn’t handle a younger guy talking back to him. So he ended our friendship right there and gave me the silent treatment forever after.

    I hope things work out better for you and that you two can reconcile. It’s not worth throwing a good friendship away because of an argument

  2. That for whatever reason, the subject at hand was difficult for me to process and work through

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