So I’ve been recently interested in this girl at work from the hospital. We know each other for a while now but we barely see each other. We’re both nurses and she is fairly new like 7 months. She works on a different floor but she picks up on mine here and there because we have same manager plus she is AM while I am PM so it’s really hard to get an opportunity.

A week ago we finally got a chance to work both PM. I don’t wanna say I’m flirting with her because I’m bad at reading those type of atmosphere although admittedly my friends often say I flirt a lot with females when I only talk to them casually about topics in a discussion manner. Throughout the night, she asks me a lot of questions and help which turns into work-related small talks and I made her laugh PRETTY good (she put her head down the desk and laugh mildly hysterically) when I made a snide remark about one of our perverted patients. That being said, she is known to be really anxious about a lot of things at work granted she is fairly new so it might be that instead? Leading close to the end of shift, I wanted to ask her number but she left abruptly while I was documenting. I caught her by the elevator with headphones on and talking to someone as she enters the door that just unluckily opened. I did not want to bother the phone convo so I just said see ya in a really friendly manner and she did the same. I think I ended in a good note but did I miss my opportunity considering we don’t have a lot of meet chances?

Like I said, I’m not good at reading flirt atmosphere though I might be doing it subconsciously but I always discredit myself because plenty of humiliation happened in the past due to misreading signals.

I’m 25 and I would assume she is roughly 23-25, I confirmed she is single when one of my coworkers asked her why she does not have a boyfriend despite her pretty looks in an exposing manner and I observed she felt awkward and didn’t answer. It all happened in one night. Any thoughts on what I can do?

1 comment
  1. I read this very interesting journal about how men perceive friendly banter as flirting, she probably enjoys your company but don’t try and force anything as it will probably shine through and she’ll pick up on it. If she enjoys your company enough she will want to be around you more, who knows maybe she changes her shift for you!

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