It’s so confusing to me because I know I crave love and touch, yet when it happens I act as though I don’t. Whenever someone hugs me: friends, family, relationships, possible relationships, I go completely rigid. I do the “London bridge” even if I’m super attracted and interested in someone and automatically do the “get off me Pat on the back” the only way this doesn’t happen is if I’m the one giving the hug, and it has to be from behind. In my head I want hugs but as soon as it happens my body is like “nonono please stop this, stiffen up and you’ll be safe.” Is there a way to get past this? I have no idea how to stop it as it seems my body just does it all on its own depsite what my mind wants. I have huge anxiety with firsts in relationships: kisses, sex.. so on. I’ve been on three great dates, been chatting everyday for a month and yet we are both seemingly too afrisd to make the move for a first kiss. I completely shut down and I can’t get the confidence. Even though I’ve done all these things a million times, even being told I’m an amazing kisser by literally everyone I’ve spoken, it’s like I forget how to do it and do obsessive research like a young teenager on how to kiss properly and so on. What’s wrong with me !!?

1 comment
  1. Some people hate being touched even as toddlers. They hate it. You can’t comfort them by touching them because they hate it and will push it away. I would suggest counselling if at one point you loved physical touch, and now you don’t at all, or maybe just to come to terms with the kind of person you are. I’m sure you are not the only person in the world, who doesn’t like the touchy-feely types

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