I (22f) just moved to my bf’s (22m) hometown (nyc) after graduating college. He grew up here and has a ton of friends to hang out with from both high school and college. I on the other hand have zero friends here, and I don’t start work until August.

He goes out multiple times a week and doesn’t bring me because it’s either “awkward” that it’ll be just me and dudes or it’ll be dudes and girls but the girls are all high school friends so i’ll be the odd one out.

Should he be bringing me to hangout? Or should I just suck it up and stay home until I can get some of my own friends?

  1. Yes your boyfriend should be bringing you to hangout especially when there will be other women there. He’s being incredibly selfish here. He’s the only person making this awkward.

  2. Yes your bf should absolutely bring you out and introduce you to people, how else are you going to get to meet others, how inconsiderate can he be?!

  3. He could totally bring you to the hangouts and make some effort on his part to integrate you into the group.

    You could also make your own friend group. Meetup groups are particularly nice for finding people around your shared interests.

    Another option is to keep in touch with your friends from college. For some of my closest friendships, we just call each other every week or two.

    Ultimately, I think you should try a little of everything and see what works out for you.

  4. It’s definitely weird he’s not including you AT ALL. Have you explained that you will always the be the odd one out if he never introduces you?

    Are there any volunteer opportunities you could engage in before you start your job? That will get you out of the house and hopefully introduce you to some like minded people who could become friends.

  5. *Should he be bringing me to hangout?*

    Uhhhh, fuck yes. Who said it would be awkward? Him? Who said you’d be the odd one out? Him? Did he even want you to move there?

  6. your bf is being a tool by not bringing you out. how are you going to meet his friends otherwise?

  7. It’s super weird that he doesn’t invite you. How would you know his friends? We all were once a stranger in a group.

    I dated a girl for two months and she invited me to her hang out with her close friends.

    He doesn’t bring you probably because he wants to be a free agent and not be by your side making sure you’re well. That’s selfish.

  8. He’s supposed to be your partner, he should want to include you in his life. He is deeply in the wrong

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