And what do you think of it? Do you visit it often? Has it fallen on hard times or is it still relevant, modern and popular? Do foreigners and tourists love it more than natives? What improvements are needed and what’s the crime rate?

  1. For the UK it would probably be London for both, given it’s a megacity. Apart from that:


    Brighton, Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool, Glasgow, Cardiff


    Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Blackpool

  2. It’s Belgrade, also the largest city. It’s very much booming with river boats, clubs and everything you need for a good time. Crime is low and as much as I see foreigners love it here.

  3. The whole of Littoral region could be considered as the capital of gambling. 18 casinos in a region of 240.000 people. The casinos are mostly visited by Italians – all these casinos are within 30 kilometres from Italian border.

    The second largest city in the region, Nova Gorica (population 13k) apart from having 7 casinos also has two hotels and like 6-7 nightclubs, which are basically just prostitution in disguise. Despite all of this there is virtually no crime here, just like in the rest of the country.

    As for nightlife, Ljubljana is the only town that can actually be considered a large city. So most of the nightlife is probably there.

  4. Nightlife definitely Berlin. I guess it’s nightlife, especially the techno clubs scene is famous in Europe. Probably also Cologne and Hamburg (Reeperbahn)

    I’m not aware that we have a gambling capital. There are some towns that have a historic casino like Baden-Baden but in recent years this turned more into a paradise for rich Russians. Don’t know how they will develop in the future.

  5. Gambling is a bit restricted, so there are only a few licensed casinos in Italy, the most famous being the casino of Venice, Sanremo and the one of Campione d’Italia (mostly known because it’s an Italian exclave surrounded by Switzerland).

    As for nightlife, the costa romagnola, the stretch of coast on the northern Adriatic sea, is generally regarded as the go to destination for party goers in Italy. The biggest “city” in the are being Rimini. It is still relevant today, though it is past its peak when there were many multi storey discos that could host several thousands of people. I read the business is not as lucrative as it was in the golden days, and many discos faced legal problems related to drug consumption in the premises and/or fines for allowing more people than legally authorised.

  6. Nightlife is still Lisbon and Porto I would say, which are the two largest cities in the country. Gambling the same I think? The casino in Estoril is famous, but I don’t actually know whether it’s a big place for gambling these days.

    The Algarve region is also known for its nightlife, though only in the summer. There’s also the Vilamoura casino and the one in Monte Gordo.

  7. Maybe Amsterdam for clubs due to it being the city with the most people but there’s bound to be plenty in the other big cities.

    Casinos (the ones that offer non-automated games with dealers) are operated by the government so they space them out over the country. Each province of over 500k inhabitants has at least one, some two, North Holland three of which two are in Amsterdam.

    There’s fully automated casinos too, but they’re also spread out over the country because why would you all be in a central spot when you can also be closer to people’s homes so it’s easier for customers to go there for a night out.

  8. nightlife all-year-round: Madrid and Barcelona.

    Seasonal nightlife: The above + Ibiza + a bunch of costal towns (e.g. Gandia, Benidorm, etc…).

    Gambling … well every mid sized or big city have a Casino or similar.

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