Hello, I am about to have sex w a 32F in a few hours and I’m a 20M. I’ve only had sex twice before and I was drunk at a party both times. I don’t know how to do foreplay or what positions to do or anything like that. Can someone experienced give me a quick crash course on what to do.

She has only ever given me a bj a few days ago but we haven’t done anything else. She has a kid and is definitely pretty sexually experienced whereas I’m somewhat of a beginner. She’s attracted to me now but I have a feeling she won’t be after today with my smallish penis and sub par sex skills. Can someone save me from embarrassment?

I posted this a few hours ago but I’m in the same predicament because when we met I told her I got hit in the groin playing tennis so we didn’t do anything sexual except for some kissing.

  1. She’s 32 so she shouldn’t expect a 20 year to be some superstar sex God and if she does she’s delusional.

  2. Be honest with her, she may willing to become your sex mentor, might turn you into a real life F-Machine for the ladies your age 🤷‍♂️

  3. I totally agree with buck and salty .. just relax.
    Have a good time man.

  4. As some who is claiming to have the skills of a beginner, this is one of the better positions you could be in.

    She doesn’t expect you to a beast(unless you talked some shit), and that most likely is a turn on. You should just go relax, and see where it takes you.

    If you have time, watch the movie TAO of Steve. Or at least look up the principles he talks about.

  5. She’s given you a BJ but you’re afraid she won’t be attracted to you because of your smallish penis? She already knows what size you are, and apparently she still wants sex with you. So no worries there.

  6. Your super power is that 20 year old stamina. She will be happy with your ability to go as many times as she wants.

  7. I’m 34 and I’ve been sleeping with a 45 year old woman. A lot of people think that it’d be bad to sleep with older women, but the sex is phenomenal. It may not be due to her age, but more people should consider it. She isn’t afraid to take control, which I think is great.

  8. Just be up front with her and let her know that you aren’t experienced. Hopefully you’re ok with her taking the lead and learning a bit from her.

  9. I was in this exact situation a few years ago! 31f hooking up with 20m. I’ve had kids too and I’d say fairly experienced. I went into the situation certainly not expecting a superstar. The first time he had a little trouble staying hard due to nerves, but we found a position that worked. What I enjoyed most is that he was very attentive and kind, asking what I wanted and liked. We hooked up several times after that and it was always furious, hot, quick sex. He recovered well, was hot af, and somehow found me sexy, and it was a great way for me to get back on the horse after my divorce.

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