Women, how much time do you spend alone and what is your level of comfort with this alone time?

  1. About 5 hours a day. I’m comfortable depending on where I am and what I’m doing

  2. About 5ish hours 5 days a week, I love it. My alone time is important for my mental health and allows me time to workout/pursue my hobbies/rest without interruptions.

  3. 5-8 hours a day. I love my alone time, and there are very few situations/people that I will give it up for.

  4. For almost the entirely of my marriage my husband has traveled anywhere from 2-5 days a week for work. I’m a stay at home mom, the kids were in school and while I sometimes worked and always spent a lot of time at school volunteering, I had tons of alone time.

    Cue the pandemic. My husband is home, one kid comes back from college and the other one is now home. Finally, husband goes back to work, college kid goes back to school…but the youngest? Well, she never left. She’s done the last 2 1/2 years of school online and she never ever ever leaves. We are together 24/7 and it’s exhausting.

    I’ve learned that I’m content to be alone. I LOVE being alone. I need to be alone. Virtual school has been amazing for her, anxiety is hell and this gave her so much control over her life. She’s THRIVING. But fuck, I just want to be alone in my own house sometimes.

  5. Usually about 2 to 3 hours per day. If I’m spending it with the right people, I’m perfectly fine. But get me around the wrong people and I eventually have my breaking point where I’m drained and need to get out of the situation to recharge.

  6. A couple hours each night generally. I’m very comfortable with this. My husband and I make dinner and eat together, then he’ll go to his office to work or game while I draw, workout, or read most of the time. Then we’ll hang out with each other some more and watch some TV before bed. Fridays and weekends vary here and there depending on what we’ve got planned.

  7. 99% of the time. I live alone and am a pretty big hermit, especially since Covid.

    I’ve always really loved spending time alone. I’m very introverted. When I lived with my family I’d often spend a weekend at the movies doing a double feature, alone. Or just hanging out alone in my bedroom.

    It recharges my batteries

  8. Unless I’m at work I’m pretty much alone. I like it like that. I do visit family and get together with friends but I’m really busy. I spend down time sleeping or with my dogs. Family is about an hour and a half away and my oldest bffs are a couple of hours away so we do lunch or breakfast about 4-6 weeks.
    I’m perfectly content.

  9. 8-12 hours alone with the cat everyday, and i hates it!

    i love the cat, and she loves me, but she sleeps a lot and i cant interrupt her so then im *really* alone

  10. 0h, never alone, someone always has some idea or request for me, life win’t let me be at piece for just one day

  11. I spend most of my time alone, maybe doing things with other people once every couple weeks. I occasionally talk to a neighbor too. I work from home, and really enjoy my alone time to the point that I rarely initiate social plans.

  12. I spend at least 75% of my time alone. I enjoy it a lot. I used to get lonely, but now being around people is too much for me.

    I don’t get lonely with myself. I’m very content with it.

    I’m even leaving my vacation 4 days early because I honestly just need to be by myself. I wanted to be by myself all day and couldn’t even have a second to myself.

  13. I get every other weekend unless I decide to be around people. It works just great for me. I tolerate people when I feel like it.

  14. Anywhere around 11- 13 hours? Maybe more or sometimes less and I wouldn’t mind more alone time, I seem to have grown into this.

  15. The vast majority of my time is spent alone, and my comfort level is completely favorable.

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