My partner still lives with his parents who are super manipulative, controlling, and even abusive at times. They think I’m using their son for money and that I’m some sort of diseased (uhhh whats a more PG word for “the W word”?). Because of this and our conflicting work schedules, we’re barely able to see each other once a week if that. We live about 45 minutes away from each other as well. What do we do? I just found out I work the only days he has off next week and judging by my job’s event schedule I’ll likely be needed those two days the rest of the summer. We have plans for him to move in with me as soon as he can get his car title in his name (his parents often threaten to report it as stolen if he doesn’t do what they say) but until then i don’t know how much of a relationship we’ll even have left 🙁

For whatever reason the rules want relationship length added (dont see how its relevant here but whatever) so we’ve been together since march 7th 2022, or about 3 months

So I guess my question here is what now? What’s the next steps because I’m so lost right now and I just want to see my love 🙁

TLDR: My partner and I don’t live together and work conflicting schedules, how do we keep our relationship alive if we cant even see each other anymore?

1 comment
  1. What is HE doing about it since these are his parents and therefore his responsibility?

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