I’ve always liked pickles. For some reason πŸ‘€, browsing this sub has got me thinking about pickles recently.

Aside from sticking a bunch of them on top of a burger, what other recipes/dishes incorporate a lot of pickles?

I need more pickle in my life!

  1. Vietnamese, Korean and Thai recipes often use them, as do middle Eastern recipes

  2. Wait, wait! Pickled what?

    Picked onions, pickled beetroot, pickled eggs, pickled gherkins, pickled carrot, pickled red cabbage, pickled cauliflower..? All delicious, but you need to be more specific.

  3. Indian curry dish called achari is cooked with pickles. Nice tasty and spicy dish.

  4. Cheese and pickle sandwich /s. I know you mean a gherkin πŸ₯’ πŸ™‚

    I’m fairly sure I’ve seen them at fish and chip shops before, would it go with chips and a battered sausage?

  5. Pickled cucumber is nice. I normally don’t like cucumber, but pickled yum yum.
    (Stumbled on it in Eastern Europe many years ago).

  6. Potato salad! Or as a side to dishes which don’t have usually other veggie sides, like for something that’s meat and potato heavy pickles work great.

  7. Bck in my day works as a dom driver and we would put pickles with our chicken but that was only as a laugh

  8. Try adding them to tacos or anything with cheddar cheese, it’s a match made in heaven.

  9. Stuff a chicken with them and invite a couple of neighbours over; some chickens cost only Β£14.

  10. Found a recipe on Pinterest

    2 cans tuna, Celery, red onion, Pickles, Dijon mustard, Mayo, Greek yoghurt, fresh parsley, salt and pepper.

    Really nice on jacket potato, sandwiches and with cold pasta

  11. I also love pickles – have them 2 ways frequently- make a cheese and ham quiche and add lots of pickles to the mix before baking. Deep fried pickles. I tend to cut these in half, tempura batter them and deep fry. Perfect with beer.

  12. Persian/Iranian cuisine uses lots of pickles, some hot and spicy; some sour and some sweet and crunchy.

  13. Last night I had, fish and chips. No salt and vinegar or gravy or anything like that, but had pickled red cabbage all over the chips. Lovely. A couple of pickled onions go well with it as well.
    A Ploughman’s lunch cries out for pickles of one kind or another.
    I’m also quite partial to a Branston pickle sandwich.

  14. Picked onions need more love. Slice ’em in half and stick them in a cheese sandwich for a tangier version of the classic cheese & pickle sarnie. They’re also awesome with cold ham as part of a ploughman’s.

  15. Sauerkraut is eaten with loads of stuff in Germany and Poland, so worth looking for recipes from there.

    If you want some decent pickled stuff then go to your local Eastern European shop they have loads of decent pickles and they are a lot cheaper than the supermarkets.

    Also try Pickled Walnuts if you haven’t before, they are glorious despite looking fucking disgusting.

  16. Gherkins go really well with fish, probably because of the dill. I love dicing them really small and smothering a tuna pasta bake in them. I’ve got a fish pie in the freezer and a fresh jar of pickles. Might give it a go tonight.

  17. You could pickle some chicken for the queens jubilee some blokes doing it and charging 14 pound to people

  18. I put pickled jalapenos in burritos/enchiladas. I’ve also added pickled gerkins or onions into tuna mayo salad.

  19. Add to potato salad, or almost any salad really (maybe not pasta). Pickled red onions are lovely with a feta cheese, rocket and walnut salad.

    Pickles are really easy to make yourself, though. Just put them in a jar with some cider or apple vinegar (any clear vinegar), add something interesting like fresh squeezed lemon or orange juice or chilli (only a little, though), screw the lid on tight and just wait a couple of months. Takes literally minutes (apart from the wait), you feel like a domestic Goddess and you get to re-use jars.

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