Ok. To start off, im not overweight. But when my husband first met me I was very tiny. I’m 5’7 and I was about 130 pounds with a 28 inch waist. I’m half black so I’m naturally a little more curvaceous and have a bigger bust and butt but I was still a size four. Now I’m a size 8 and weigh about 150 pounds, my boobs went from a c to a d, my waist is now about 34 inches. When we first met I was super active and now I’m in school and have been more sedentary. To give back ground, my husband has been chubby since I met him and fluctuates in weight often. He’s a gamer and is not active all the time. Anyways we use to be intimate all the time and now he is never in the mood and he says it’s not my weight but I definitely think It is. Every time I talk to him about it he denies anything being wrong and now I’m concerned he’s not attracted to me anymore but I love my body …. any advice on what to do?

  1. it depends on you if you dont mind losing weight you can start doing so. if you dont want to do that i have no idea sorry. i hope it all gets better, stay strong.

  2. How long have you been together? And has the intimacy gradually slowed down, or did it take a dive?

  3. He could have low testosterone. More and more men are suffering this with increasing sedentary lifestyle.

    You may or n my at not have enough communication skills in your relationship to breech the delicate subject of differences in sex drive.

    A visit to the doc and Couples counselling seems in order.

  4. Your body is fine. I am sorry you are having issues, and I hope you two can work them out. I am glad to hear you are chatting with him about it. I think you can work it out but if not, that in no way makes it your fault. Wishing you the best!

  5. Id guess It probably has more to do with you wanting to do OF and the issues you’re having with your dog

  6. Stress? Depressed? Anxious? New medications? Trying for kids? You still dating him and having fun? Did yall get too comfortable? Did yall get into a lull?

    Theres sooooo many reasons he could be out of it

  7. Could be a million things. Probably not your figure, but keep as active as you can so you feel better about yourself. That factors in.

  8. This isn’t uncommon with gamers. Addicted to gaming and forget about your partner.

    Talk to him.

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