What do you do to cheer you up when your lonely?

  1. Some people might watch a movie or tv show, others might read a book. Some people might go outside for a walk, while others might call a friend.

  2. Tons of stuff.

    Shitpost on reddit, draw, make myself some nice food or order something in if I want something special, watch a good movie or TV show.. anything to keep my mind busy

  3. When I’m lonely? I call my son and ask if he wants to come over for dinner. Either that or I ask my husband out on a date.

  4. Scroll incessantly, however at some point even the app ditches me so yeah I sleep and ditch the planet, galaxy and cosmos whilst dreaming

  5. Music. I swear nothing puts my emotions into words perfectly like music does!

  6. All these lonely posts while im working out of town from the family, not helping. To answer, call the wife, face time the kids. Daughter read me a book last night, was bitter sweet since i read to her evwry night then she reads to me but it was something. Also drink.

  7. I wait and let it pass. What? Thought I was gonna have an actual solution?

  8. go fishing, if your going to be alone might as well get some exercise, scenery, adrenaline and you can talk to yourself and the trees don’t mind

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