Women of Reddit, would you be okay being single for the rest of your life? Why or why not?

  1. Yes. The only reason why I want a relationship is for love. I won’t be with someone just to be with them, though. It has to be someone that I don’t want to live without. I like having my own space and being able to do things on my own time. I’m perfectly content to just date and not be with anyone permanently.

  2. I chose to just be single forever a few years ago. I still have a FWB of 6 years and an open relationship has allowed me to go on fun dates here and there, but I just do not see marriage and all that as necessary for me. Financially, I’m pretty much set with a little bit more work in the near future, I don’t need kids, and I enjoy the freedom of the single life a lot.

  3. Sure. If I didn’t have a partner I wanted to spend my life with who also wanted to spend their life with me, I’d be fine staying single for the rest of my life. To me, single is the normal default state, so that’s totally fine for me.

  4. Sure. I’ve been single most of it, and for the past 20 years, I don’t see that changing anytime in this lifetime. Besides, I kinda like having full control over everything in my life, and not have to check in with anyone for anything. I miss affection, but I also haven’t had that in about 25 years so… Oh well.

  5. Yes, I would be okay being single for the rest of my life because being in a romantic relationship is hard work— communication, time, effort, patience, sex, scheduling, and money. I don’t think I would want to be in one anymore.

  6. No, solely because I am physically disabled, and it brings me a great deal of comfort to know that my best friend is right there for a bad pain day, to do the things I cannot, and make my life as easy as it can be, given the circumstances.

    Depending on my family is basically a non-option.

  7. Absolutely. I’ve already gone 15 years without it, and things are perfect the way they are. I have no reason to mess that up.

  8. Absolutely. I prefer being single. I would get to live my life exactly the way I want.

    Edit: typo

  9. Yes. I’d happily be single for the rest of my life than face the alternative of being unhappy in another bad relationship. In fact most of my plans for the future revolve around me probably being single.

  10. Yes. I’m married, but my husband is the exception, not the rule. I’m completely uninterested in people in general- his existence in my life is, frankly, a miracle and a fluke.

  11. Not really tbh, I am a very affectionate and emotionally loving person and I think i’ll always need that one person (excluding friends and family) to be by my side through life.

  12. Yes.

    I was married from ages 28-39. I am now 66 and have zero interest in marrying anyone.

    I have never been as lonely single as I was married. I have been in one long term relationship that I ended a few years ago. Right now I am in a relationship with someone I have known for a long time, but neither one of us wants to get married.

  13. No. I love the feeling of intimacy (connection wise), having that best friend, cuddle partner, and support. In a package of a person. 😌

  14. No, I think I’d be really sad about that. I like having a partner for a number of reasons, but one is companionship. I can’t imagine having gone through COVID without a partner cohabitating with me. It’d be so lonely. I like my alone time, but I like having someone else there.

  15. Yep. I’ve already spent my entire life single so far, and the desire to be in a relationship’s still as nonexistent as ever.

  16. Being in a relationship is not a need; it’s a want. A want I want to want. But not a need in a sense of need. So I am okay without whatever the outcome may be

  17. No, because I’ve never been in a relationship and would fear I missed out.

  18. Yes.

    That’s the plan.

    I’ve wanted to be single forever for as long as I can remember.

    I’m very happily a reclusive asocial aro-ace.

    It sounds dreamy to me.

  19. Yes.

    I’m generally more comfortable being single since I have been for so long. I’m 32, I’ve been single for 10+ years. I like my life, my routine, my freedom. I love living alone.

    At this point a partner would just be a bonus, but not something I need or actively look for.

  20. I’d rather be single than feel like I “settled” just so I can have a partner.

  21. I suppose so. Because my personal safety is paramount, and statistically my husband/boyfriend is most likely to kill me. 🤷‍♀️

  22. Yes, I think that’s in store for me. Why? Idk. That’s who I am, I struggle to connect or get hurt bad, also not at a good place, I mean I try but nope, some days are good and I feel awesome but then I would hit a low and feel suicidal af.

  23. I’m divorced and was in an abusive marriage for over 20 years. I love a lot of aspects of being single. I’m fine on my own. I’d be okay.

    I would, however, really like to have someone just love me and I would like to be married to a nice, normal man and just have a peaceful, normal life.

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