I was getting my haircut and there was a young kid next to me, as he left my hairdresser said “how cute” but she said it while looking at me, and in actual confusion I said “me or the kid” and that made her laugh, she put her hand on my shoulder. I’ve never been more ecstatic and I’m gonna ride this high as long as I can.

  1. Love that high. I’m too big a wuss to chase it most times tho. Enjoy it fren

  2. I most like that it was accidental 😂
    Good for you, you’re a natural flirt

  3. awww yeahhh!!! le goooooo, i always get rlly excited when strangers compliment me too & tend to dwell on it and try to get as much confidence out of their words as i can. happy for u it’s hard to get out of your comfort zone

  4. Priceless line. Do not get too focused on that, other than that, you did fine

  5. Everyone after reading this post:

    “So hot today”

    “Me or the kid?”

  6. Problem is i am good at flirting but when it comes to getting close like being emotional and stuff, i freeze. I a like : ohh this is getting serious, idk what to do. And i lose the opportunity.

  7. Well done, a plus for it being not on purpose. Those accidental cute moments are the best!

  8. I read the title as accidentally farted… been around my 6 year old too much lmao.

  9. Well done! I always feel like a massive creep saying anything remotely close to that, so its always a little eye opening to see that you can be that “bold” with a girl and not make her uncomfortable

  10. Now you know it’s not some complicated formula, it’s just in the moment playfulness, when you are in a relaxed state with no expectations.

  11. I friggin love this🥳🥳🥳🥳. I feel you completely. After the pandemic I’ve not been the greatest at social interactions. Buuut I landed a hiking date & am following through with it. Keep going!

  12. You can also just accept the compliment, “Aww! That’s so sweet of you to say!” You have to ham it up a little bit to get through that you are joking.

  13. See how little interaction get people gassed up? There’s something to learn from this post

  14. People think I’m so funny but I only try to be about 30% of the time. Rest of the time I just go with the flow when people think I’m joking

  15. Reminds me of the time I had purchased some items at the contractors desk (in the back) of a hardware store. As I’m exiting through the front, I ask a cashier who was out of her booth if she wanted to “check me out” i.e. the items and my receipt, which they always do….

    THE LAUGH, that woman produced…rofl. Like she laughed a little too hard. I wasn’t even flirting! i’m just a shitty social person lmao.

    It haunts me to this day

  16. Those are the best kind. Flirting on command takes practice and time to learn.

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